Clean Fuels Conference 202

Kick It

Cindy Zimmerman

Oil Habit Actor and environmentalist Robert Redford has a commentary today on about kicking the oil habit. His main purpose appears to be the promotion of, which is “based at the Center for American Progress and works with partners from the Natural Resources Defense Council to Consumers Union, to the Apollo Alliance.” The classy site features ways you can donate, take action and send your message “to Exxon, Chevron, BP, Shell, Valero, and ConocoPhillips, and to your Representative in Congress.”

It also features a video that places the blame for everything from higher gas prices to global warming on President Bush. Not necessary at all. This should not be a political issue. If we are truly serious about kicking the habit we all have to work together and make the sacrifices and changes necessary to make us less dependent on foreign sources of oil. Pointing fingers is simply counter-productive. We can all take the blame for our addiction – and take the responsibility of working the program to beat it.
