USGC Provides Ethanol Education in Latin America

Cindy Zimmerman

USGC image

As many countries across Latin America (LTA) seek to develop energy transition policies, the U.S. Grains Council (USGC) along with the Latin American Energy Organization (OLADE) and the Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) have partnered to train government officials and industry and refinery representatives on the benefits of ethanol and its use in gasoline blending.

The training program began in February 2024 with the launch of a virtual course in which more than 380 people from 13 Latin American countries registered. The course content included six modules on various topics, including biofuels and climate change, global ethanol markets and sustainable aviation fuels (SAF).

“The last two weeks have been very fruitful, as the program has held face-to-face workshops in Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico and more recently Peru. More than 160 participants from eight countries have gained a greater understanding of the topics covered in the virtual course and have learned about international experiences with ethanol blends from the United States, Argentina, Bolivia and Colombia, among other countries,” said Juan Diaz, USGC LTA regional ethanol consultant.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Grains, International, USGC

Senate Resolution Opposes EV Tax Credit Rule

Cindy Zimmerman

Senator Deb Fischer (R-NE) is one of six Senators who joined to introduce a resolution of disapproval last week opposing the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s final rule implementing the 30D Clean Vehicle Credit for electric vehicles with batteries containing Chinese sourced materials like graphite. The resolution was sponsored by Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Chairman of the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, and co-sponsored by cosponsored by Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Marco Rubio (R-FL), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), and Mike Braun (R-IN).

“President Biden wants to prop up America’s transition to EVs by keeping Chinese graphite flowing into the United States. As usual, China will profit richly off the administration’s ‘green’ energy dreams. If Joe Biden wants to force EVs on Americans, he should at least find another source of graphite,” said Senator Fischer.

A similar resolution is expected to be introduced in the House.

Electric Vehicles

Iowa Renewable Fuels Issues Forum Scheduled

Cindy Zimmerman

Candidates for the Republican nomination for Iowa’s Fourth Congressional District will address key issues for the state at the Rural and Renewable Fuels Issue Forum to be held May 30 at the Western Iowa Tech Community College in Cherokee.

Candidates U.S. Representative Randy Feenstra and Kevin Virgil have both confirmed their attendance at the event sponsored by the Agribusiness Association of Iowa, Iowa Biodiesel Board and Iowa Renewable Fuels Association.

During the forum each candidate will be given the opportunity to address a series of questions impacting rural Iowa, including topics on farming, livestock production, renewable fuels, and rural life.

Rep. Randy Feenstra hails from Hull, Iowa where he has served in several different capacities in Hull, Sioux Center and as a Senator at the statehouse before winning the Republican nomination for the 4th congressional district in 2020. Leading up to his role of U.S. Representative, Feenstra held a career in sales and as a professor at Dordt University. He was reelected in 2022 and now seeks a third term.

Kevin Virgil is an O’Brien County native. Virgil served in the Army and later joined the Center Intelligence Agency (CIA). He has also led a career on Wall Street and as an entrepreneur when he co-founded a data analytics company called Polysentry. He now seeks the nomination for Iowa’s 4th district.

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Ethanol News, politics

Groups Urge Treasury to Finalize Clean Fuels Credit

Cindy Zimmerman

Over two dozen organizations representing all segments of the renewable fuels industry sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen this week urging her to finalize and publish guidance for the §45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit as soon as possible.

The credit, which was created in the 2022 Inflation Reduction Act, is designed to incentivize domestic production of low-carbon fuels on a technology-neutral basis. The value of the credit is based on the life-cycle greenhouse gas emission score of each fuel.

“With the Sec. 45Z credit set to take effect January 1, 2025, our member companies and organizations may face significant headwinds and business risk if this guidance is not published promptly,” the groups write. “Any extended delays in publication of guidance for the Sec. 45Z credit may disrupt project timelines, impede capital flows, and threaten existing production and demand for low carbon renewable fuels.”

Among the 25 organizations signing the letter were Clean Fuels Alliance America, Airlines for America, American Soybean Association, Association of Equipment Manufacturers, National Corn Growers Association, National Oilseed Processors Association, Renewable Fuels Association, SAF Coalition, and U.S. Canola Association.

aviation biofuels, Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Court Rejects Oil Industry Challenge to RFS

Cindy Zimmerman

A D.C. Circuit Court ruling on Tuesday upholds EPA’s Renewable Fuel Standards for 2020-2022 and rejects the oil refining industry’s challenges to the rule. The Court found that EPA acted appropriately in setting RFS standards for those years, including a supplemental volume requirement to comply with a 2016 D.C. Circuit Court decision.

“Once again, renewable fuel producers claim that EPA’s standards are set too low, while petroleum refiners contend they are too high,” read the court’s opinion. “We hold that EPA complied with the law and reasonably exercised its discretion in setting the renewable fuel requirements for the three years at issue. We therefore deny the petitions for review.”

Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Geoff Cooper said the decision will help set the tone for future RFS rulemakings. “Specifically, we are pleased that the Court confirmed EPA’s approach to assessing certain statutory factors and considering the benefits of renewable fuels,” said Cooper. “Further, we are strongly encouraged by the Court’s confirmation of EPA’s authority to account for potential small refinery exemptions on a prospective basis when setting standards. Finally, we are pleased with the Court’s decision to uphold EPA’s authority to impose a supplemental 250-million-gallon volume in 2022 to make up for the volume that EPA improperly waived in 2016.”

RFA and other biofuel stakeholders intervened in the lawsuit in support of EPA.

EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, RFS

Clean Fuels Makes Governing Board Changes

Cindy Zimmerman

Clean Fuels Alliance America announced recent changes within its Governing Board.

Courtney Lawrenson, Vice President – Oils and Energy at AGP, has been appointed by the board to serve as Second Vice-Chair succeeding Gary Louis who recently retired from his role with Seaboard Energy as as President and CEO. Peter Ostenfeld-Rosenthal, incoming President and CEO at Seaboard Energy, joins the board as a new member replacing Louis. In addition, Kerry Fogarty, Quality Control Manager at Incobrasa Industries, Ltd. joined the board filling a vacancy left by the resignation of Danielle Brannen, who represented New Leaf Biofuel.

Clean Fuels has also welcomed several new members over the past eight months who share a commitment to sustainable industry growth. These include Alliance Technical Group, North Carolina Soybean Producers Association, Nuseed, PepsiCo, RenStar, RICHARD, Westmor Industries, WayTrade.

“We are witnessing unprecedented growth driven by increasing awareness of the environmental and economic benefits of our fuels,” said Donnell Rehagen, Clean Fuels CEO. “Our Governing Board and our members play a vital role in advocating for policies that support this growth and drive innovation in clean fuel technologies.”

Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance

LanzaTech Earnings Soar on SAF

Cindy Zimmerman

LanzaTech is reporting a six percent increase in revenue the first quarter of this year over 2023, thanks in part to a boost from its sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) investment in LanzaJet.

“The robust growth in LanzaJet and the SAF market more broadly mirrors the rising demand for our waste-based ethanol, reflecting the expansion and impact of our commercial project pipeline, as well as the growing focus on and adoption of alternative aviation fuels. We’re laying the groundwork for the emerging carbon economy, supported by our steadfast commitment and clear financial path forward, ensuring our efforts today shape a sustainable, deliberate future.” said Jennifer Holmgren, Board Chair and Chief Executive Officer of LanzaTech.

LanzaJet opened its 10 million gallon per year ethanol-to-sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) facility in January 2024 and is on track for production of fuel in the second quarter 2024. Located in Soperton, Georgia, LanzaJet Freedom Pines Fuels represents one of the most promising SAF technologies in nearly a decade to reach commercial readiness.

aviation biofuels, biojet fuel, Ethanol, Ethanol News, SAF, Uncategorized

Clean Fuels Celebrates Ag on the National Mall

Cindy Zimmerman

DC Water truck powered by 100% biodiesel on National Mall

Clean Fuels Alliance America was one of 30 organizations and 25 equipment manufacturers on the National Mall this week for the second Celebration of Modern Agriculture spotlighting the Future of Food and Farming.

Clean Fuels Director of Public Affairs and Federal Communications Paul Winters says they had a good local message for visitors who live in the DC area. “We’re trying to send a message that this is a benefit for people in DC who live in the urban environment,” said Winters. “The DC Department of Water has a truck here on display and it runs on 100 percent biodiesel…The biggest benefit for DC residents is they get cleaner air.”

Winters said they were able to talk to visitors about the benefits of clean fuels, while also chatting with legislative and regulatory people about priorities like getting the GREET model right for the future of crop-based sustainable aviation fuel (SAF).

Listen to an interview with Winters from DC.
AEM Ag on the Mall - Paul Winters, Clean Fuels Alliance America 7:34

2024 Celebration of Modern Agriculture on the Mall

Audio, Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, Equipment

March Ethanol and DDGs Exports Hit 2 Year Highs

Cindy Zimmerman

U.S. exports of both ethanol and the co-product dried distillers grains (DDGS) were higher in March, according to the latest analysis from the Renewable Fuels Association.

March U.S. ethanol exports increased 15% to a 23-month high of 159.3 million gallons (mg), with 97% bound for just ten markets.

The largest share (30%) transferred to Canada, our top customer for the 36th consecutive month despite a 1% decrease from February. Denatured fuel ethanol accounted for 93% of the 47.6 mg crossing the border. Exports improved by 61% to India (21.5 mg) and doubled to the European Union (20.0 mg)—primarily shipped to the Netherlands. Other larger markets included the United Kingdom (19.0 mg, -10%), Singapore (13.5 mg, +124% to a record high), Colombia (12.0, -20%), and South Korea (7.5 mg, +99%). Brazil remained absent from our export market, continuing a 22-month run. Year-to-date ethanol exports totaled 448.3 mg, which is 27% more than last year at this time.

DDGs exports were up 7% to 1.06 million metric tons, which is the the largest volume since June 2022.

Shipments to Mexico scaled back 34% to 171,815 mt yet were robust enough to secure its position as our largest customer for the third straight month. Exports bolstered to other larger markets, including South Korea (up 8% to 142,829 mt), Turkey (quadrupled to 122,027 mt), Indonesia (up 29% to a 4-year high of 111,044 mt), Vietnam (up 39% to 90,807 mt), Colombia (doubled to a record 73,304 mt), and Canada (up 13% to 55,967 mt). The remaining 30% of U.S. DDGS exports were dispersed across 32 countries worldwide. Year-to-date DDGS exports totaled 2.94 million mt, 21% ahead of last year at this time.

Distillers Grains, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

US Ethanol Industry Seeks to Challenge EU SAF Regulation

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association and LanzaJet are among U.S. ethanol interests seeking to intervene in a legal challenge of the European Union’s ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation, which effectively bans the use of renewable, crop-based biofuels like corn ethanol as a feedstock for decarbonizing the aviation sector. LanzaJet operates the world’s first ethanol-to-jet biorefinery in Georgia. Also collaborating in the intervention are U.S. Grains Council and Growth Energy.

The application to intervene in the proceedings supports a challenge brought by ePURE, a trade association representing European ethanol producers, and Pannonia Bio, one of Europe’s largest ethanol producers. Their application seeks to annul the relevant provisions of the ReFuelEU Aviation Regulation, which was adopted by the EU in 2023 and is set to take effect in 2025. A similar challenge was brought against the FuelEU Maritime Regulation, and members of the U.S. ethanol industry are seeking to intervene there, as well.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, SAF