Renewable Fuels Foundation 2025 NEC Scholarship Winners
Renewable Fuels Foundation made it possible for eight young people interested in furthering a career in the ethanol industry to attend the 2025
National Ethanol Conference in Nashville recently.
Most of this year’s recipients are already working in the industry and are members of the Renewable Fuels Association’s Young Professionals Network (YPN). The Robert Sather Memorial Scholarship is open to both students and young professionals.
The NEC scholarship program is named in honor of Robert “Bob” Sather, an educator who helped found Ace Ethanol in Stanley, Wisc. Neal Kemmet is the current Foundation chairman and general manager of Ace Ethanol. “As we look back to the roots of our industry, these newer members are sure to see how far our industry has come, and the great potential that lies ahead,” said Kemmet.
This year’s group included:
Nick Thone, grain manager and merchant at Aztalan Bio
Kate Littrel, executive assistant at Renewable Fuels Nebraska
Tim Daniel, co-founder of Rimba, sustainability compliance automation software
Alex Lowe, special projects manager at KAAPA Ethanol
Denae Reeves, compliance specialist at Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy.
Bailey Masat, commodities and marketing manager at Redfield Energy.
Paige Madison, who is working toward a master’s degree in animal science at South Dakota State University.
Katherine Ludolph, a merchandiser assistant at East Kansas Agri-Energy studying agriculture business at Fort Hays State University.
Ludolph, who is both a student and an industry professional, comes from a family farm in Kansas and is brimming with enthusiasm for all aspects of the ethanol industry. “When you work for a small company, we have 45 employees, you wear many hats. I’ve done accounting. I run the scale house. I’m the backup to the backup. I also redid our website a couple years ago with a contact that I had, but it’s all about networking and knowing people and continuing to have people that are passionate about our industry willing to go out and use our voice to let people know who we are, what we are, and why we are important.”
Alex Lowe has a background in naval aviation and moved back to central Nebraska with his wife where he has been working for KAAPA Ethanol since October. He was fascinated to hear about the history of the industry during the Back to our Roots panel which included KAAPA Ethanol board member Rod Gangwish. “Seeing their perspective and seeing how things were back in the 80s, I only heard stories from my grandparents about it,” said Lowe. “It was interesting seeing the struggles they went through, how ethanol has saved the family farm.”
Denae Reeves joined SIRE recently after spending ten years in law. “So this is kind of a 180 for me,” she said. “I wanted to get back to my ag roots. My dad was a community banker, I grew up in FFA, and this just was appealing from that standpoint as well as the work life balance that it allowed me.”
RFA NEC Scholarship winner Katherine Ludolph (12:20)
Alex Lowe, special projects manager at KAAPA Ethanol
RFA NEC Scholarship winner Alex Lowe (2:46)
Denae Reeves, compliance specialist at Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy.
RFA NEC Scholarship winner Denae Reeves (1:46)
Back Row: Renewable Fuels Foundation Chairman Neal Kemmet, Nick Thorne, Kate Littrell, Tim Daniel, Alex Lowe, RFF Vice Chair Wayne Garrett
Front Row: Denae Reeves, Bailey Masat, Paige Madison, Katherine Ludolph
2025 National Ethanol Conference Photo Album