Over 500 Stations In MN Now Offer Unleaded 88

Cindy Zimmerman

Minnesota now has over 500 stations that offer Unleaded 88, also known as E15 or 15% ethanol-blended fuel, according to the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association.

“Surpassing 500 stations offering Unleaded 88 is a major milestone and signifies that Unleaded 88, a gasoline fuel blend containing 15 percent ethanol, is quickly becoming the ‘new normal’ fuel in Minnesota,” said executive director Brian Werner.

The official total is actually 503, more than any other state in the country, and stations continue to be added at a rapid pace. Brands that currently offer Unleaded 88 in Minnesota include Amoco, ARCO, Bobby & Steve’s, Casey’s, Cenex, Freeborn County Co-Op, Holiday, Hy-Vee, Kwik Trip, Little Dukes, Love’s, Marathon, Minnoco and Speedway.

Minnesota’s road to this historic milestone in stations began back in 2013 when only a handful of stations in the state offered Unleaded 88. Since then, the number of stations selling Unleaded 88 has steadily increased each year due to a combination of infrastructure funding from the federal and state governments, support from Minnesota’s ethanol industry, industry stakeholders, and fuel marketing efforts by MN Bio-Fuels and Minnesota Corn.

This year alone, the Minnesota Department of Agriculture awarded $3 million in infrastructure grants to 16 retailers while another $3.37 million has been made available in grant funding for stations interested in offering Unleaded 88. Applications for that round of funding closed at the end of October. On the federal side, the USDA awarded $17.5 million in 2024 to stations in the state to make the necessary upgrades to offer Unleaded 88.

E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Summit Carbon Wins Permits in MN and ND

Cindy Zimmerman

Summit Carbon Solutions announced permits granted in Minnesota and North Dakota on Thursday.

The Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) granted a permit for the company’s 28-mile pipeline route through Otter Tail and Wilkin Counties. In North Dakota, the company received three Class VI sequestration permits from the North Dakota Industrial Commission (NDIC), marking a critical step forward in the Midwest Carbon Express project.

With today’s approval of both the sequestration permits and the Minnesota pipeline permit, along with recent major milestones including the North Dakota pipeline permit and the Iowa permit, Summit Carbon Solutions is making significant progress toward project completion. With the South Dakota PUC application also submitted, Summit Carbon Solutions is on track to begin construction in early 2026 and operations in 2027.

Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) Executive Director Monte Shaw calls the approval another win for farmers and ethanol demand across the multi-state map. “The momentum is rolling, and the train will not stop until ultra-low carbon ethanol becomes achievable for producers who are desperately in need of big opportunities to drive corn demand. Project approval is now on track, full steam towards South Dakota. We need regulators there to get onboard, otherwise Midwest farmers will be left at the station as other states, such as Nebraska, roll toward new markets like sustainable aviation fuel.”

The permits allow Summit Carbon Solutions to permanently store more than 350 million metric tons of CO₂ in geologic formations more than a mile underground. This process ensures long-term safety while decarbonizing 57 ethanol plants across five states. Combined with the project’s pipeline infrastructure, the sequestration sites in North Dakota will enable farmers and ethanol producers to access new markets for low-carbon fuels, including sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and green fuels, while supporting the broader goals of energy and economic sustainability.

aviation biofuels, biofuels, Carbon, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News

USGC and Partners Do Ethanol Testing in Taiwan

Cindy Zimmerman

USGC photo

The U.S. Grains Council (USGC) recently collaborated with partners in Taiwan on a test drive of motorcycles fueled by 100 percent bioethanol (E100) and E10 gasoline to prove its viability as a sustainable energy source in the transportation sector.

The collaboration with Chinese Petroleum Corp Taiwan (CPC), the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and Yamaha, marks the first major initiative following the signing of an MOU earlier this year to raise awareness and acceptance of ethanol gasoline among Taiwan society.

Officers from the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, Ministry of the Environment, Taoyuan city government and representatives from vehicle industry, academia and research, professional motorcycle riders and media reporters also attended the event to witness vehicles’ stability and compatibility by using E100 and E10 gasoline.

“The excitement from both public and private sector stakeholders was clear to see and their eagerness to invest time and resources into ethanol shows the Council and U.S. producers are certainly on the right track to increasing global biofuel use,” said Michael Lu, USGC director in Taiwan.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, International, USGC

USDA Increases Corn for Ethanol Forecast

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA’s World Agricultural Supply & Demand Estimate for December calls for greater corn use for ethanol, larger exports, and lower ending stocks.

Corn used to produce ethanol is raised 50 million bushels to 5.5 billion, based on the most recent data from the Grain Crushings and Co-Products Production report and weekly ethanol production data as reported by the Energy Information Administration for the month of November. These data imply corn used for ethanol during the September to November quarter was the highest since 2017. Corn exports are raised 150 million bushels to 2.5 billion reflecting the pace of sales and shipments to date. With no other use changes, corn ending stocks are reduced 200 million bushels to 1.7 billion. The season-average corn price received by producers is unchanged at
$4.10 per bushel.

corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA

Ethanol Exports Still on Record Pace

Cindy Zimmerman

U.S. ethanol exports slowed in October but are still on pace to set a record this year.

According to the latest update from the Renewable Fuels Association, ethanol exports were 3% lower in October, reflecting significant market fluctuations and a heavy concentration of shipments to two primary destinations. Canada maintained its status as the leading export market for the 43rd consecutive month, despite a 22% reduction in shipments, marking a four-month low. In contrast, exports to India surged fourfold to a seven-month high of 20.7 mg, comprising the bulk of exported undenatured ethanol intended for applications other than fuel and beverage. So far this year, U.S. ethanol exports have reached 1.53 billion gallons (bg), a 35% year-over-year increase and a record high for the ten-month period.

At the same time, U.S. exports of dried distillers grains (DDGS) increased 10% in October to 1.11 million metric tons (mt), mirroring the large market variability seen in ethanol exports. Mexico remained the dominant market, with exports climbing 33% to a three-month high of 236,492 mt. Colombia set a record high with a ninefold increase to 132,758 mt. Year-to-date DDGS exports reached 10.21 million mt, representing a 14% increase compared to the same period last year.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

MN Bio-Fuels Releases 2024 Annual Report

Cindy Zimmerman

MN Bio-Fuels Board President Brian Kletscher, and Executive Director Brian Werner share annual report

The Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association (MN Bio-Fuels) released its 2024 Annual Report last week at an event which included a keynote speech by Geoff Cooper, President and CEO of the Renewable Fuels Association.

“As we look at the potential for record ethanol production and exports in 2024, we salute our farmers and ethanol producers for all their hard work this past year,” Cooper said. “Minnesota is one of our top ethanol-producing states and has been an important part of our industry’s success. We thank the dedicated staff and leaders of the Minnesota Bio-Fuels Association in bringing the industry together and supporting rural communities across the North Star State.”

MN Bio-Fuels’ 2024 Annual Report highlighted the various efforts undertaken by MN Bio-Fuels in the areas of advocacy, fuel and supply chain, and communications in 2024, as well as priorities for 2025.

“Whatever 2025 brings from a political, regulatory, or market perspective, we will be prepared to help the statewide ethanol industry remain competitive while working to foster an environment for stability and growth,” said Brian Werner, Executive Director of MN Bio-Fuels.

The report included updates to the organization during the year such as the addition of a new producer member (Bushmills Ethanol), and three new vendor members (AgCountry, LJP Waste Solutions and Clean Energy Economy Minnesota).

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

K-State Research Could Lead to Improved Biodiesel

Cindy Zimmerman

Camelina can produce biodiesel

A recent breakthrough by Kansas State University biochemists could lead to the cover crops pennycress and camelina becoming new sources for improved biodiesel.

A research team led by Timothy Durrett, professor of biochemistry and molecular biophysics, and doctoral conferee Linah Alkotami used synthetic biology techniques to significantly increase the amount of acetyl-triacylglycerols — a unique type of oil found and adapted from the burning bush plant — in pennycress and camelina to near-pure levels.

These acetyl-triacylglycerols, or acetyl-TAGs, are very useful for their low viscosity and performance in cold temperatures — a key criterion for use as diesel replacement.

The team published its results in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The overwintering ability of these crops are of particular interest to farmers who could plant them in late fall and harvest in early spring.

Biodiesel, feedstocks

US Ethanol Industry Supports SE Asia Markets

Cindy Zimmerman

USGC meeting with Vietnam’s Ministry of Industry and Trade

Representatives of the U.S. ethanol industry recently traveled to Southeast Asia to provide support for the governments of Indonesia and Vietnam as they expand their domestic fuel ethanol policies.

Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Vice President Tad Hepner joined U.S. Grains Council President and CEO Ryan LeGrand and staff based in its Southeast Asia and Oceania regional office for high-level meetings with government officials and private sector leaders.

Indonesia is working toward instituting a five percent blend of fuel ethanol into gasoline for retail use (E5) in 2025 and a 10 percent blend (E10) by 2030. Concurrently, Vietnam is exploring opportunities to expand its current E5 mandate for the RON92 (88 AKI) grade of gasoline. Indonesia and Vietnam currently consume roughly 10 billion gallons and three billion gallons of gasoline per year, respectively.

“The governments of Indonesia and Vietnam see the potential of ethanol in reducing costs along the supply chain while simultaneously reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and the Council and its allies are working to assure policymakers that ethanol is a viable and compatible option for nearly all road vehicles,” LeGrand said.

In Indonesia, the team met with Pertamina, Indonesia’s state-run oil and gas company, to discuss the company’s current bioethanol trial and tour Indonesia’s largest fuel terminal, where fuel ethanol blending is now happening. The delegation then traveled to Vietnam for meetings with the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Ministry of Finance to discuss further cooperation activities underpinning Vietnam’s efforts to expand the use of ethanol.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, International, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, USGC

Clean Fuels Alliance Ready to Accelerate

Cindy Zimmerman

“Accelerate” is the theme for the 2025 Clean Fuels Conference, Jan. 20-23 at the Hilton San Diego Bayfront Hotel in San Diego, California.

Clean Fuels Alliance America CEO Donnell Rehagen says the meeting theme refers to the rapid growth and transformative progress of the biodiesel, renewable diesel, and sustainable aviation fuel industries. “With the clean fuels industry accelerating at an unprecedented pace, this conference is crucial for anyone involved in shaping the future of heavy-duty transportation,” said Rehagen.

“We’re now a 5 billion gallon year industry. We’ve doubled in size in the last four years… So we’re we’re expecting to have probably about 1000 people gathering San Diego,” Rehagen added.

For more details on registration, agenda and lodging, visit CleanFuelsConference.org, and listen to an interview with Rehagen here to find out more of what’s in store.

NAFB24 Donnell Rehagen, Clean Fuels (2:54)

advanced biofuels, Audio, aviation biofuels, Biodiesel, Biodiesel Conference, Clean Fuels Alliance, conferences, renewable diesel, SAF

US Ethanol Production Hits Weekly Record

Cindy Zimmerman

Ethanol production hit a record high the week before Thanksgiving, according to the latest Energy Information Administration (EIA) data analyzed by the Renewable Fuels Association.

(F)or the week ending November 22, ethanol production scaled up 0.8% to 1.12 million b/d, equivalent to 47.00 million gallons daily and a record high. Output was 10.7% more than the same week last year and 9.7% above the five-year average for the week. The four-week average ethanol production rate increased 0.9% to 1.11 million b/d, also a record high, which is equivalent to an annualized rate of 17.09 billion gallons (bg).

Ethanol stocks hit an 8-week high of 22.9 million barrels, 7% more than the same week last year and 7.4% above the five-year average. Ethanol exports increased 9.7% to an estimated 158,000 b/d (6.6 million gallons/day), which is an 11-week high.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA