Utah Legislature Considering Renewable Energy Bill

John Davis

A bill before the Utah legislature that will encourage utilities to use renewable energy has received a boost from that state’s governor. This story in the Salt Lake Tribune says despite the support from Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr., it doesn’t mean he’s giving up his own push for more solar, wind and geothermal resources into the state’s electricity mix: During …

Solar, Uncategorized, Wind

Safeway Turns to the Sun

John Davis

California-based grocery store giant Safeway is converting 23 of its stores to run on solar power. This story on Environment News Service covers the opening of one such store in Dublin, California: California Congressman Jerry McNerney joined Safeway officials on a tour of the Dublin store’s rooftop solar panel array. The unit is currently generating electricity to power the 55,000-square-foot …


Seeking Sponsor for AFVI Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

Last year I covered what was then known as the Clean Cities Congress here on Domestic Fuel. This year it has a new name and we’re seeking a sponsor for our coverage. I know it’s coming up fast but we thought we had a sponsor for this and that didn’t work out. If you’re interested in being our event sponsor …


Convoy Group

Chuck Zimmerman

Convoy GroupGroup shots from the convoy have been difficult to arrange. Here we are in Emmitsburg, MD, getting ready to roll on into Washington, DC and the final ceremony this afternoon.
