Biodiesel Tax Incentive Creates Jobs

Cindy Zimmerman

The biodiesel tax incentive is helping to create jobs across the country, according to testimony submitted to the House Ways and Means Committee today by the National Biodiesel Board (NBB). “While we understand the pressures facing Congress, this is the wrong time to pull support from a growing American industry that is a rare bright spot in this economy,” said …

Biodiesel, NBB, REG, Soybeans

Minnesota Biodiesel Plant Means Jobs

Cindy Zimmerman

At the opening celebration of the Renewable Energy Group (REG) REG Albert Lea facility on Monday, Minnesota state representative Rich Murray (left) and local Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Randy Kehr (right) both congratulated REG president Dan Oh (center) on fueling the economy by creating new jobs. “They’re great green collar jobs,” said Kehr, who noted the importance of the …

Biodiesel, REG, Soybeans

Biodiesel Adds Value to Minnesota Soybeans

Cindy Zimmerman

Fields of soybeans surround the newly re-opened Renewable Energy Group REG Albert Lea biodiesel plant in southern Minnesota, serving as a reminder of where the renewable fuel is rooted. Chris Hill, a soybean farmer who serves on the board of the Minnesota Soybean Growers Association and the Minnesota Biodiesel Council, is pleased to see the plant re-open because it really …

Audio, Biodiesel, NBB, REG, Soybeans

REG Albert Lea Biodiesel Plant Officially Opens

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Energy Group (REG) celebrated the official opening of the REG Albert Lea biodiesel plant in Minnesota on Monday, with representatives of the state and local community and agriculture industry. REG President and COO Dan Oh says they were involved in the construction and operations of the plant when it originally was built and opened by SoyMor. “We have …

Audio, Biodiesel, REG, Soybeans, Video

Minnesota Biodiesel Plant Will Celebrate Re-Opening

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Energy Group (REG) will be celebrating the grand re-opening Monday of a Minnesota biodiesel plant that was shut down for three years. REG acquired the former SoyMor production facility earlier this year, which is now known as REG Albert Lea, LLC. The company will be celebrating the grand re-opening of the plant with members of the Minnesota Soybean …

Biodiesel, NBB, Soybeans

Renewable Fuels Month Proclaimed in Nebraska

Cindy Zimmerman

September is officially Renewable Fuels Month in Nebraska now after a proclamation signing by the governor today at Husker Harvest Days. Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman joined state soybean board chair Lisa Lunz, NASCAR Nationwide driver Kenny Wallace and Alan Tiemann, chairman of the Nebraska Corn Board, in making the declaration. “Nebraska’s renewable fuels sector contributes to local communities by providing …

Biodiesel, biofuels, corn, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Soybeans

Grain Production Not Keeping Up With Demand

Joanna Schroeder

According to Purdue University agricultural economist Chris Hurt, grain crops are being “gobbled up” faster than farmers can grow them. This could lead to trouble down the road if production doesn’t catch up. Hurt says there have been two major demands surges on commodities in the past five years. One is the rising use of corn for ethanol production being …

Agribusiness, biofuels, corn, Ethanol News, Soybeans

Biodiesel Tax Incentive Extension Introduced

Cindy Zimmerman

A bipartisan group of lawmakers in both the House and Senate this week introduced legislation to extend the biodiesel tax incentive for three years. The Biodiesel Tax Incentive Reform and Extension Act would extend the $1 per gallon tax credit from 2012 through 2014 and would reform the biodiesel tax incentive from a blenders excise tax credit to a production …

Biodiesel, NBB, Soybeans

Study Underway to Make Plastics From Soy Oil

Joanna Schroeder

University of Minnesota researchers are developing degradable plastics from soybean oil. These bioplastics could become a replacement for those made with petroleum and natural gas. Marc Hillmyer, Distinguished McKnight University Professor of chemistry and Director of the Center for Sustainable Polymers, believes that to wean the country from all things fossil fuels, including chemicals and plastics, alternatives based on renewable …

Agribusiness, bioplastics, Research, Soybeans

ADM Acquires Missouri Biodiesel Plant

John Davis

Agribusiness giant Archer Daniels Midland is acquiring Prairie Pride’s soybean crushing and biodiesel facility in Deerfield, Mo., a biodiesel plant idled since early 2010. This ADM press release says the company will form a partnership with Prairie Pride on the biodiesel side of the house. “The acquisition of Prairie Pride’s soybean facility and partnership for the biodiesel business were attractive …

Biodiesel, Soybeans