Summit Agricultural Group this week announced the creation of Summit Next Gen, a sustainable aviation fuel production platform to provide a scalable supply of low-carbon jet fuel. Summit Next Gen will utilize Honeywell’s Ethanol to Jet processing technology to convert ethanol into sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), which “creates an additional market for low-carbon ethanol producers and advances the sustainability goals …

Nuseed Launches 2023 Carinata Program at Classic
Look, up in the sky! It’s a mustard seed! It’s a cover crop! No, it’s super Carinata sustainable aviation fuel! Once a lowly Ethiopian mustard seed with little to offer for human consumption, this plant is growing in popularity as a certified sustainable non-food cover crop that can be used as a low-carbon feedstock for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF). “Carinata …
Rabobank Analyst Sees Potential in SAF
The sky seems to be the limit for the future of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) and can be a real opportunity for farmers, according to RaboResearch Senior Grains & Oilseeds Analyst Owen Wagner. Wagner was at Commodity Classic last week talking about how sustainable aviation fuel fits into the landscape for commodity demand. “This (SAF) is not just for vegetable …
Yield10 Bioscience Joins American Airlines in Camelina for SAF Project
Yield10 Bioscience has signed an MOU with American Airlines to collaborate in developing the value chain for Camelina as a low-carbon feedstock oil for sustainable aviation fuel (“SAF”). Under the MOU, Yield10 and American plan to work together to support the development of the Camelina oil-based SAF value chain with the potential to secure offtake agreements for Camelina oil-based SAF …
RFA Comments on SAF Tax Credit
In comments to the Department of Treasury, the Renewable Fuels Association said the use of science-based, consistent and transparent lifecycle analysis methods will be crucially important in implementing the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) tax credit under the Inflation Reduction Act. “SAF production presents a major new market opportunity for ethanol producers, as the lifecycle carbon footprint of ethanol continues to …
Illinois Passes Sustainable Aviation Fuel Tax Credit
Illinois Governor JB Pritzker signed a package of tax and revenue changes for the state which includes the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) purchasers credit. The bill creates a $1.50 per U.S. gallon SAF tax credit airlines can use to satisfy all or part of their state use tax liabilities. Illinois Soybean Growers (ISG) Vice Chairman Ron Kindred says the credit …