A coalition representing farmers, ethanol producers, fuel retailers and fuel distribution companies is urging the Environmental Protection Agency to reject a recent petition by CVR Energy to alter the Renewable Fuel Standard’s credit trading program, which they say would ultimately lead to higher prices for consumers. The organizations include the Renewable Fuels Association; National Association of Convenience Stores (NACS); NATSO, …

RFA Analysis: RINS Have No Impact on Gas Prices
A new analysis from the Renewable Fuels Association finds the Renewable Fuel Standard’s compliance credit market mechanism, known as Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs), has no impact on retail gasoline prices. The analysis finds that while RINs are a factor in wholesale gasoline prices, there is no evidence that RIN costs have any measurable effect on the retail prices paid by …
RFA Addresses Current Ethanol Issues
There’s been a lot going on in the world of ethanol recently – EPA just released its E15 RVP/RIN reform proposal, EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler is expected to announce pending petitions for more small refiner exemptions, and EIA just released final 2018 data confirming ethanol demand destruction – just to mention a few. The Renewable Fuels Association held a media …
#SubEnvironment Holds Hearing on RINs
The House Energy & Commerce Subcommittee on Environment took a deep dive into the complex world of Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) during a hearing on Wednesday. The committee, chaired by Rep. John Shimkus (R-IL), heard from a panel of independent witnesses to provide background on RINs and how the market for them works. The panel included: Brent Yacobucci – Energy …
More Ethanol Demand Destruction from EPA
The biofuels industry was disturbed to hear news reports this week that the Environmental Protection Agency is continuing to destruct demand for ethanol and corn with more “small refinery” exemptions. Reuters reported that EPA created nearly $34 million worth of Renewable Identification Number (RIN) credits and handed them over to HollyFrontier, along with an additional undisclosed amount of RINs to …
RINs for Exports Would Mean More Demand Destruction
A proposal to allow exported renewable fuel volumes to count toward RFS compliance would lead to further demand destruction for U.S. ethanol producers and corn growers, according to Renewable Fuels Association Executive Vice President Geoff Cooper, who explains why in a blog post this week. In addition, Cooper says allowing exports to qualify for the RFS would likely offset any …
Ethanol Report on White House RFS Meeting
Tweets from senators involved in a White House meeting Tuesday on the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) say an agreement has finally been reached between oil and ethanol interests that would allow the year-round use of E15 and put to rest the idea of a price cap on Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs), a big win for Team Ethanol. However, the “win” …
Report Says Icahn Refinery Received RFS Waiver
Reuters published an exclusive report today citing two anonymous sources who claim EPA granted a small refinery hardship exemption to CVR Energy, owned by billionaire Carl Icahn, the power behind last year’s attempt to dilute the Renewable Fuel Standard by changing the point of obligation. CVR Energy just released its 1st quarter earnings last Thursday, posting a net income of …
Ethanol Report on Demand Destruction
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has yet to reveal just how many small refiner exemptions have been granted from blending obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) and how many are still pending but the reduction in ethanol blending over recent months and a sharp drop in the price for Renewable Identification Numbers (RINs) indicate the impact they are having. …
Evidence Shows Waivers Reducing Ethanol Demand
Evidence is mounting that the Environmental Protection Agency’s granting of numerous “small refiner exemptions” from blending obligations under the Renewable Fuel Standard is indeed working to destroy demand for both ethanol and corn. Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) Executive Vice President Geoff Cooper lays out the evidence in a column on the E-Blog detailing the reduction in ethanol blending over recent …