The Ethanol Emergency Response Coalition (EERC) has compiled and released the Complete Training Guide for Ethanol Emergency Response to help prepare ethanol producers, transporters and first responders for ethanol-related emergencies. This complete training package includes two videos, an instructor’s guide, interactive workshops and seven modules and PowerPoint presentations, each focusing on a specific and important aspect of ethanol response. Guidelines …

RFA Launches “Choose Ethanol” Website
The Renewable Fuels Association has launched a new online destination for ethanol information called Choose Ethanol. The new website features a section dedicated exclusively to E85, plus a news center and quick facts, as well as links to follow RFA on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Flickr. The site also invites visitors to sign up to “stay informed, share your stories …
Celebrate Energy Independence
As Americans celebrate Independence Day this weekend, it is a good time to reflect on our need to increase our energy independence. The good news is, we are becoming less dependent on foreign sources of oil for our transportation fuel needs. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), ethanol displaced almost 322 million barrels of oil in 2008. The Renewable …
YouTube Videos Provide Ethanol Answers
Will corn crop meet demand of both food and fuel? Even before the USDA planted acreage report was released this week, the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) had the answer to that question posted on YouTube. In one of three recent videos posted by the ethanol organization, RFA Vice President of Research Geoff Cooper says the 2009 corn crop is going …
DF Cast: Charting the Future of Ethanol
Attendees of the recent Fuel Ethanol Workshop and Expo in Denver, Colorado heard something they most likely already knew: the past year was a rough one for the ethanol industry. While some folks such as Mike Bryan, CEO of BBI International point out that much of the green fuel’s woes were a concerted effort by those outside of the industry …
Ethanol Group Pleased with Passage of Climate Bill
The American Clean Energy and Security Act has passed the U.S. House of Representatives by a vote of 219 to 212, with 44 Democrats voting against the bill and eight Republicans voting in favor. Minority Leader John Boehner (R-OH) spent an hour attempting to force his colleagues to read the 300 page amendment to the bill offered at 3 a.m. …
LSU Fans Choose Ethanol at College World Series
Ethanol is everywhere – even the College World Series. Each June, Omaha hosts the teams and fans who hope to go all the way. This year, fans were able to cheer in style with their “Choose Ethanol” koozies. The Renewable Fuels Association recently launched the “Flex-Fuel Challenge” Summer Photo Contest. All you have to do is take a picture of …
Ethanol and Biodiesel Details in Climate Bill Compromise
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has provided more details about the compromise worked out this week on the climate change bill expected to come up for a vote in the House of Representatives on Friday. “Good faith negotiations and old fashioned horse sense led to a deal that achieves both our energy security and environmental goals,” said RFA President Bob …
Ethanol Report on Safety
Recent accidents involving transportation fuel, including ethanol, have highlighted the importance of safety when it comes to moving flammable and hazardous materials. It turns out that the tanker truck explosion in California on June 13 was actually carrying petroleum, not ethanol as the media reported, but the Canadian National Railway train that derailed in Illinois over the weekend was carrying …