Compared to last year, Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen faced a much happier crowd for the opening session of the 15th Annual National Ethanol Conference. “A year ago, at this event, we met amidst the worst economic climate since the Depression. Commodity markets were in upheaval, investment dollars had evaporated, gasoline demand was falling, production costs were …

Climate Change at Ethanol Conference
The mood is definitely a little brighter at this year’s National Ethanol Conference compared to last year. You can tell that the industry is in a better place and the climate has changed with plants reopening and the economy turning back around. The theme of the conference is “Climate of Opportunity” and the program officially opened this evening with the …
DF Cast: Ethanol, Biodiesel Industries Welcome RFS-2
It’s been a long time in the making, but the Environmental Protection Agency has finally released the new Renewable Fuels Standard … better known as RFS-2. The standard requires that biofuels will have to reduce greenhouse gas emissions compared to the gasoline and diesel fuels they displace and grow in production from last year’s 11.1 billion gallons to 36 billion …
RFS2 Rules Released – Industry Reponds
After a two-month delay, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has finally announced the final rule for the implementation of the second phase of the Renewable Fuel Standard, aka RFS2. As part of the rules, the EPA will both set the national mandatory blend levels as well as monitor compliance through its new reporting system. The monitoring system will also track …
Another Record Month for Ethanol Production
November set yet another record for ethanol production in the United States. According to the latest figures from the Energy Information Administration (EIA), U.S. ethanol production hit a record high in November 2009 of 761,000 barrels per day (b/d). That is a 93,000 barrel increase from the previous year. Ethanol demand, as calculated by the Renewable Fuels Association, also reached …
Obama’s Message: Hope, News Jobs & Clean Energy
The nation that leads the clean energy economy will be the country that leads the global clean economy and America must be that nation,” said President Obama tonight during his first State of the Union address. “I will not accept second place.” There were several major focuses of his speech including the support of small businesses, building a stronger financial …
Obama Talks Clean Energy But Little About Renewables
If renewable energy advocates had hoped for a big mention during Pres. Barack Obama’s first State of the Union address, they probably are walking away from tonight’s speech feeling a bit left out. While the president did make quick mentions of solar, biofuels and clean energy, Obama did not unveil any grand plan to use renewable energy to help move …
Sioux Falls Gets Ethanol Blender Pumps
Motorists in Sioux Falls, SD now have more fuel choices at the pump with the installation of four new ethanol blender pumps at a Kings Mart gas station in the city. Through a joint effort between the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) and the South Dakota Corn Utilization Council (SDCUC), the station now offers a variety of fuel blends including …
Another Exciting Year for Ethanol
2010 promises to be another exciting year for ethanol, according to Matt Hartwig with the Renewable Fuels Association. “Like the last two, three, four years in the industry, 2010 promises to fulfill on excitement,” he says in this edition of “The Ethanol Report” podcast. That includes work on extending the blenders tax credit, increasing the ethanol blend level, implementing the …
Wildlife Report Picks and Chooses Data
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) has analyzed a new report out from the National Wildlife Federation on “Corn Ethanol and Wildlife” and found it lacking in accuracy. The University of Michigan study released last week claims to show “how government incentives for corn ethanol are driving farmers to shift land into corn production, resulting in significant decreases in grassland bird …