Borrowing part of a phrase from that great American humorist Mark Twain, when it comes to critics of ethanol, there seems to be “lies, damn lies, and statistics.” There has been a lot of misinformation spread about the green fuel, but there are some out there fighting the good fight dispelling these myths… especially the one that says it takes …

Letter Urges Dropping “We Can’t with Ethanol” Attitude
I don’t usually post opinion pieces, but I saw this letter-to-the-editor and thought it rose to the level of a post for Domestic Fuel. Glenn Gryka of Mesa sent this letter to the Arizona Republic: Ethanol is not cost effective, so we are told. Infrastructure is not available. Ethanol can’t be transported. Yada, yada, yada. We import almost 50 percent …
Eleven States Considering Biodiesel Requirement
We’ve been trying to document all the different pieces of state legislation out there that have impacts on the biodiesel industry. This blog entry posted by John Gartner on Autopia – Wired News, I think, kind of sums up what the effects might be if the 11 states… Florida, Connecticut, Missouri, California, Oregon, Mississippi, Arkansas, Nebraska, Montana, Tennessee and New …
Op-Ed: America Safer With Alternative Fuels
Here is a great editorial by Mark Bennett of the Terre Haute (Ind) Tribune-Star. Basically, he summarizes all of the criticisms being thrown at ethanol and says that, as a matter of national security, he’d still rather pay for a home-grown fuel than subsidize Middle Eastern countries. If self-serving interests in farm states such as Iowa, Nebraska and Indiana drive …
Truth and Tortillas
Truth About Trade & Technology has posted a Wall Street Journal commentary on the tortilla crisis in Mexico. The op-ed piece contends that the “cause of the corn price spike is too much government intervention.” The sharp increase in Mexican corn prices, which fueled the tortilla price spike, followed big price increases for corn on international markets over the past …