An energy industry analyst believes the government is underestimating the ethanol demand outlook. The Energy Information Administration’s annual energy outlook, issued Tuesday, projected that ethanol demand will more than double from today’s level to 11.2 billion gallons in 2012. According to an Associated Press report, Chris Shaw of the global financial firm UBS says that may be too low because, …

Ethanol Plant Breaks Ground in Washington State
Washington state is on track for it’s first ethanol plant. US Ethanol of Vancouver has announced that subsidiary Northwest Renewable broke ground Wednesday on a 55 million gallon per year ethanol production facility in Longview, Wash. When completed, the plant will be the first large-scale facility in the state of Washington to produce ethanol, an alternative fuel typically made from …
Wind Powers Ethanol Plant
John Deere Wind Energy is helping to power up a farmer-owned ethanol plant in Winnebago, Minnesota. According to Agriculture Online, Corn Plus Cooperative is entering into a co-development relationship with John Deere to harness wind energy to help power their plant. When the wind farm is up and running at capacity, approximately 45% of the electric energy demand for the …
Presidential Advisors Support Biofuels
The President’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology (PCAST) has issued a report on the role of technology and emerging companies in helping to supply our nation’s energy needs. According to a release from the Renewable Fuels Association, the report concluded that biofuels like ethanol are a vital and readily available solution to help address America’s dependence on foreign …
Project Golden Switchgrass
A University of Rhode Island plant geneticist has launched “Project Golden Switchgrass” to develop “the variety of enhanced switchgrass that everyone needs” as an alternative crop to produce ethanol. According to a URI release, Albert Kausch is a world leader in developing transgenic grasses, having spent 20 years genetically modifying turf grasses, rice and corn. He is also an expert …
Prairie Ethanol Open For Business
Approximately 1,800 people attended Prairie Ethanol’s grand opening celebration for the 60 million gallone per year ethanol production facility Saturday near Mitchell, SD. According to a news release, the event included a Vanguard Squadron fly-over and a program featuring political dignitaries, industry representatives and company officials. U.S. Senator John Thune expressed his excitement about being part of the ongoing effort …
Democrats to Focus on Domestic Fuels
The House will be forming a new agricultural energy subcommittee in response to the role farming will play in reducing America’s dependence on imported oil, according to Representative John Salazar, a Democrat from Colorado. The (CO) Summit Daily News reports that Salazar addressed a renewable energy symposium Saturday and said that in the new Democrat-controlled Congress there will be a …
The Year in Ethanol
The December edition of “Ethanol Today” is a celebration of the biggest year yet for the ethanol industry. The American Coalition for Ethanol publication provides a snapshot of the year in ethanol with some nice graphs and charts to show the industry’s growth. Ethanol’s expansion in 2006 is an extension of a several-year growth trend. It took 20 years for …
Alabama Alternative Fuels
The state of Alabama is focusing on alternative fuels. Alabama Agriculture Industries Commissioner Ron Sparks has announced the formation of the Center for Alternative Fuels. “Hardly a week goes by that we don’t get calls to provide guidance to interested parties on how to build biodiesel or ethanol plants, or where to purchase alternative fuels. They want to know about …
Roller Coaster Ride
For corn growers, ethanol means markets as usual. In other words, up and down. That was the word from the senior agricultural economist for Wells Fargo Michael Swanson, who spoke at the Farm News Ag Show at Iowa Central Community College, according to this story by Bill Shea from the Ft. Dodge Messenger. The economist said he’s ‘‘bullish’’ about the …