Will We Have Enough Corn?

Cindy Zimmerman

The Iowa Corn Growers/Corn Promotion Board has released a document addressing concerns about whether they will be able to produce enough corn to meet demand for ethanol. One of the issues they address is the price of corn, which this year is expected to average about $3 a bushel, the highest it has been since 1995. The corn growers point …

Ethanol, News

Iowa Corn Growers Prepared to Meet Demand

Cindy Zimmerman

Iowa corn growers say they can meet the demand for both food and fuel. Grower leaders from the Iowa Corn Promotion Board and Iowa Corn Growers Association held a media teleconference Friday to answer concerns about corn prices and supplies and the increasing demand for corn to make ethanol. Bob Bowman, ICGA president, who farms in DeWitt, said the current …

Ethanol, News

MIT Yeast Could Speed Up Ethanol Production

Cindy Zimmerman

Scientists with the Massachusettes Institute of Technology have engineered yeast that can improve the speed and efficiency of ethanol production. By manipulating the yeast genome, the researchers have engineered a new strain of yeast that can tolerate elevated levels of both ethanol and glucose, while producing ethanol faster than un-engineered yeast. The new strain produced 50 percent more ethanol during …

Ethanol, News

Corn Crop Seen as Main Source For Cellulosic Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Corn’s role in cellulosic ethanol appears solid. According to a story in Illinois Farm Bureau’s FarmWeek, the push to promote “cellulosic” biomass ethanol development generated some early sparring between corn growers and proponents of new “energy crops.” But experts at a recent Cellulosic Ethanol Summit in Washington, D.C., cited public-private efforts to generate cellulosic fuel from existing corn residues, potentially …

Ethanol, News

Senator Says Ethanol Use Needs to Grow

Cindy Zimmerman

Senator Byron Dorgan (D-ND) told a recent ethanol summit in his state that with new ethanol plants coming on line at a rapid pace, the use of ethanol needs to grow or we could soon end up producing a surplus of ethanol. According to a story in the Farm & Ranch Guide by reporter Dale Hildebrant, Dorgan said, “Our future …

Ethanol, News

Science Foundation Advocates Grass for Gas

Cindy Zimmerman

Diverse mixtures of native prairie plant species have emerged as a leader in the quest to identify the best source of biomass for producing sustainable, bio-based fuel to replace petroleum. A new study led by David Tilman, an ecologist at the University of Minnesota, shows that mixtures of native perennial grasses and other flowering plants provide more usable energy per …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, News

New Iowa Ag Secretary Says Beef Industry Will Benefit From Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Iowa’s newly-elected Secretary of Agriculture says the ethanol industry can help the state regain its dominance in beef production. According to a story from the Brownfield Network, Bill Northey told members of the Iowa Cattlemen’s Association meeting Thursday that widespread availability of ethanol co-products like dry distillers’ grains could make Iowa the number one beef producing state again like it …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, News

Research Could Lead to Cheaper Ethanol Production

Cindy Zimmerman

Research being done at Washington University in St. Louis could result in more efficient ethanol production. The research by adjunct professor of biology in Arts & Sciences Erik E. Nielsen, Ph.D. was published in a recent edition of The Journal of Cell Biology, according to a news release. Nielsen’s research is the first to identity some of the membrane trafficking …

Ethanol, News

More Domestic Fuel Use Forecast

Cindy Zimmerman

In the latest Long Term Energy Outlook report issued by the Energy Information Administration, higher fossil fuel prices and public policy will generate a further shift toward alternative energy in the coming years. According to an AP story, U.S. ethanol use is expected to grow to 11.2 billion gallons in 2012 from 4 billion gallons in 2005. By 2030, ethanol …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, News