California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to terminate greenhouse gas emissions in his state. In his State of the State address Tuesday, Governor Schwarzenegger called for the establishment of a Low Carbon Fuel Standard in California, a “first-of-its kind standard” that will reduce the carbon intensity of California’s passenger vehicle fuels by at least 10 percent by the year 2020. According …
MIT Study Confirms Ethanol Benefits
It’s unlikely to be the final word on the subject, but a new MIT analysis shows that the energy balance between ethanol and fossil fuel is actually so close that several factors can easily change whether ethanol ends up a net energy winner or loser. In other words, it depends on what you figure into the equation. According to MIT, …
Cargill Company to Build Ethanol Plants
Cargill has launched a renewable energy subsidiary to build four big ethanol plants. According to Cargill, Emerald Renewable Energy plans to develop four 100 million gallon/year ethanol plants in the Midwest. No sites have been announced yet, but several are under consideration, including empty locations and sites near Cargill grain elevators Emerald Renewable Energy is a privately held, limited liability …
Improving DDG Quality
Improving the quality and digestibility of ethanol by-products for livestock feed is a major goal of Renessen, a joint venture between Cargill and Monsanto. At the American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting in Salt Lake City, Doug Rushing of Monsanto described how Renessen’s recently launched ethanol processing system, combined with a new corn hybrid, creates dried distillers’ grains (DDGs) with …
Gator Research Bears Fuel
A University of Florida scientist is starting to see 20 years of research bear fuel. The Palm Beach Post reports Dr. Lonnie Ingram, director of the Florida Center for Renewable Chemicals and Fuel at UF in Gainesville, has spent more than 20 years on scientific work that uses E. coli bacteria to convert plant waste into ethanol. But UF only …
Nipah Ethanol
A Malaysian company is building what it says is the world’s first plant to commercially produce ethanol from nipah palm trees. The Associated Press reports that Pioneer Bio Industries Corp. Sdn. Bhd. is building the plant in northern Perak state to extract ethanol from the sap of the nipah tree, scientifically known as Nypa fruiticans and found in abundance in …
Biofuels Big Topic at Farm Bureau Meeting
The demand for corn to make ethanol is expected to keep growing, which is creating challenges for livestock producers. Both farmers and ranchers are meeting this week in Salt Lake City for the 88th American Farm Bureau Federation annual meeting and biofuels has already been the main topic of discussion. Calling ethanol a “bull on the loose,” USDA Chief Economist …
FUEL For Georgia
Georgia’s first ethanol plant broke ground this week in Mitchell County. First United Ethanol, LLC – or FUEL, as it is better known – has been in the works for almost two years, according to chairman Murray Campbell, who says they will import corn from the midwest to produce ethanol initially. “Even though our facility in the corn belt, we …
Ethanol Growth Forecast Disputed
Lester Brown, founder of the Earth Policy Institute, held a press conference with reporters Thursday to warn that the government is underestimating the amount of corn that will be needed for fuel by next year. According to the Associated Press, Brown says nearly twice as much corn as the government has estimated will be needed from the 2008 harvest to …