Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Have you started spring planting” Our poll results: Sixty-two percent said No, I’ve Been Delayed More Than One Week, twenty-three percent said Yes, I’m In the Field Right Now, and fifteen percent said No, I’ve Been Delayed by One Week. The late winter storms and heavy rain showers seem to have put a damper …

Social Network Chaos
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How do you combat social media overload?” We live in a new media world where we can communicate instantly with one person or the whole world. Does it ever bother you? Do you have to take a break from it all? Our poll results: Twenty-five percent said Focus On 1 or 2 Social Networks, …
Is Drought Still a Concern for 2013?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Has winter weather affected drought conditions in your area?” Our poll results: Fifty percent said Yes, thirty-two percent said No, and eighteen percent said it’s Too Early To Tell. Seems the drought of 2012 may not be over. I heard once that weather cycles last 6 years. Sure hope that isn’t the case with …
Renewable Fuel Standard Working for Most
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Do you support continuing the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS)?” Our poll results: Fifty-seven percent say Yes, It’s Working, Twenty-nine percent say No, It’s Not Working, twelve percent ask What is the RFS?, and a small portion at two percent say Other. Over half of you support the continuation of the Renewable Fuel Standard. For …
Supporting the Renewable Fuel Standard
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Have you recently purchased a gun?” Our poll results: Thirty-three percent said Yes, Already Own Guns while twenty-nine percent said No, Don’t Own Any. Nineteen percent said No, Have Enough, Eleven percent said Planning To, five percent said Yes, First Gun Purchase, and three percent said Other. Looks like most of you have one …
Impact of the Sequester Monster
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Will the sequester monster impact you personally?” Our poll results: Fifty-two percent said No it will not impact you. Twenty-one percent said Yes, Major Impact, seventeen percent said Yes, Minor Impact, and ten percent said I Don’t Know. So most of you do not expect to be affected by the sequester monster. Wonder what …
Intentions for 2013 Corn
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What are your spring planting intentions for corn?” Our poll results: Forty-four percent said More Than 50% and twenty-five percent said 50% Corn. Tying for 3rd, thirteen percent said less than 25% and Other. Six percent said 25% Corn. Even with the extreme drought conditions our poll shows that the majority of you are …
Warranty Plays Major Roll in Purchases
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Does warranty influence your decision to purchase new equipment?” Our poll results: Almost all of you at eighty-seven percent said Yes, while thirteen percent said No. This poll certainly shows that warranty is a major consideration when shopping for new equipment! Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “What are your …
Using Corn to Support Biofuel Production
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, ”How many machines (tractors, etc.) does your farm own?” Our poll results: The majority of you at thirty-five percent own 10+ machines and equipment. Twenty-five percent own 3-5, close behind was 6-9 at twenty-one percent, thirteen percent own 1-2, and six percent said other. As we suspected, every farm and farmer has a different …
Drought Tops List of 2012 Stories
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, ” What do you think is top story of 2012?” Our poll results: It looks like the majority of you at fifty-seven percent felt like “The Drought” was the top story for 2012. “No Farm Bill” came in at fourteen percent and ten percent said “USDA Meatless Monday Uproar”. Our new ZimmPoll is now …