Clean Fuels Conference 202

NEC Scholarship Award Winner Announced

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association and Renewable Fuels Foundation are proud to announce the student scholarship award winner for the 20th annual National Ethanol Conference: Going Global next month in Grapevine, Texas. This year’s scholarship winner is Laís Thomaz of Brazil, who received her master’s degree in international relations in 2012 from San Tiago Dantas, a graduate program supported by three …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Miscellaneous, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

NEC Agenda Available

Cindy Zimmerman

The agenda for the 20th Annual National Ethanol Conference (NEC) is now available. The theme for the 2014 conference, which will be held February 18-20 in Grapevine, Texas is “Gowing Global” with a focus on the export markets that are critical to the future growth and financial health of the ethanol industry. Among the program highlights: • Going Global: Building …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Scholarships for National Ethanol Conference

Cindy Zimmerman

Students interested in the ethanol industry have a chance to attend the 2015 National Ethanol Conference in Grapevine, Texas through a scholarship opportunity offered by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) and the Renewable Fuels Foundation (RFF). The 20th annual National Ethanol Conference, titled “Going Global,” will offer college students a chance to hear key industry leaders and policymakers address topics …

Education, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Registration Open for 20th NEC

Cindy Zimmerman

“Going Global” is the theme for the 20th annual National Ethanol Conference (NEC) from the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). The event is being held February 18-20, 2015 at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas. With the U.S. leading the world in the production and exports of ethanol fuel and co-products, export markets are critical to the …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Advanced Ethanol Here at Last

Cindy Zimmerman

During the National Ethanol Conference, representatives of four leading companies talked about how advanced ethanol is here at last. Moderated by Advanced Ethanol Council Executive Director Brooke Coleman, the panelists included Chris Standlee with Abengoa; Kenneth Hill with DuPont Cellulosic Ethanol; Delayne Johnson, CEO of Quad County Corn Processors; and Steve Hartig, Licensing General Manager for POET-DSM Advanced Biofuels, LLC. …

advanced biofuels, AEC, Audio, biofuels, Cellulosic, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

ACE Preparing for Biofuels Beltway March

Joanna Schroeder

Make Washington keep their word was a common mantra during the National Ethanol Conference last week. American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) Executive Vice President Brian Jennings is going to help them do just that. Each March, ACE brings nearly 100 ethanol advocates to the Hill to meet with Legislative and key stakeholders to tell their stories about the benefits of …

ACE, Audio, biofuels, Biofuels Beltway, E15, E85, National Ethanol Conference

Social Media War Room for Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Make no mistake about it. The ethanol industry is engaged in a war of words with anti-ethanol forces and every weapon in the arsenal needs to be deployed to fight against these well-funded opponents. Communications and Social Media War Room was the title of one of the breakout sessions at last week’s 2014 National Ethanol Conference. Renewable Fuels Association executive …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA, RFS

Driving Through the Blend Wall

Cindy Zimmerman

We’ve heard a lot about how higher ethanol blends might affect the producers of the green fuel and the impacts to consumers on the other end. But what about the viewpoint of those who have to build the vehicles on which these higher blends would run? Representatives from General Motors and Mercedes-Benz were among the experts on a panel at …

Audio, automotive, Car Makers, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA

Patriot Out Front with Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

Patriot Renewable Fuels wants to be the “poster child” for other ethanol plants when it comes to marketing higher blends in their own communities. You might remember Darrell Rakestraw as the veteran we interviewed last fall about the EPA proposal to lower the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). When we spoke to him last week at his first National Ethanol Conference, …

Audio, blends, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, Patriot Renewable Fuels, RFA, RFS

State Level Blend Walls Update

Cindy Zimmerman

The phrase “all politics is local” seems like it sure could apply to some of the decisions to overcome the ethanol blend wall. Challenges to increasing ethanol in the marketplace exist on the state level as well as the federal level, and participants at the National Ethanol Conference learned more about efforts to break down the blend wall in various …

Audio, blends, E15, E85, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, RFA, RFS