I hope one of your readers can fill me in on a paticular aspect of fuel attributes.

Military Surcharge for Oil
America pays a “national security surcharge” for each gallon of oil that is imported from the Middle East
Domestic Fuel Takes Off
Now that we have our first sponsor – the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council – it’s time to make us official
We Will Sell No Fuel Until It’s Time
Australian wine makers are thinking about turning some of their wine into ethanol
Comments are Welcome
The great thing about a blog is that it allows interactive commentary
Luke Perry and Biodiesel America
A new book is being unveiled at the National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego next month
Indy Podcasts
Fire up your I-Pod and tune in to the latest in Indy racing news from Indycar.com
BioConversion Blogger
I have gotten two comments in the past week from this gentleman – C. Scott Miller of Studio City, CA – who is the author of the BioConversion Blog
Ethanol and World Hunger
Will increased use of biofuels lead to more people starving in the world?
Fuel Buffet?
Alternative-fuels could make filling stations the automotive equivalent of a soda fountain with many flavors on tap.