California’s Office of Administrative Law (OAL) last week notified the California Air Resources Board (CARB) that recently adopted amendments to the state’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) were being rejected, preventing the changes from taking effect. According to CARB, the rejection was due to “inconsistencies of specific regulatory amendment provisions with the clarity standard.” CARB has 120 days to revise …

RFA Weighs in With CARB on Imported UCO Feedstock
The Renewable Fuels Association provided comments this week in response to a request for information from the California Air Resources Board, urging them to do more to ensure the integrity of imported used cooking oil (UCO) and tallow for biomass-based diesel production under the state’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard. According to CARB data on fuel consumption in California, usage of …
Clean Fuels Disappointed in CARB LCFS Proposal
Clean Fuels Alliance America is disappointed in recently proposed amendments to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) low carbon fuel standard (LCFS). According to Clean Fuels, if adopted, these changes would impose caps on credits for soy- and canola-based biodiesel and renewable diesel, without sufficient scientific evidence to support such limitations. “These changes unjustly penalize biodiesel and renewable diesel—low-carbon fuels …
RFA Provides Comments on California LCFS
The Renewable Fuels Association submitted comments last week to the California Air Resources Board that identified several areas in CARB’s proposal and underlying analysis that need improvement. The top area of improvement cited by RFA Chief Economist Scott Richman is immediate approval of E15 for use in California. “Migrating all E10 to E15 in California today would result in approximately …
RFA Testifies at Low Carbon, Clean Fuels Hearing
The Senate Environment and Public Works (EPW) Committee held a hearing Wednesday on “The Future of Low Carbon Transportation Fuels and Considerations for a National Clean Fuels Program.” Renewable Fuels Association President and CEO Geoff Cooper testified at the hearing, stressing that implementing a national clean fuel program that incorporates a market-based, technology-neutral approach will be critical to decarbonizing the …
Ethanol Industry Provides Comments on California LCFS
Ethanol industry stakeholders submitted comments to the California Air Resources Board this week regarding the state’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). The Renewable Fuels Association stressed its ongoing support for the LCFS and provided recommendations to strengthen and expand the landmark program beyond 2030. However, RFA underscored that without complementary regulatory actions—like expeditious approval of E15 and support for E85 …
RFA Comments on Future for California LCFS
The Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) filed comments this week with the California Air Resources Board on the future of the state’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard, stressing that it must be technology-neutral and allow low-carbon renewable fuels to compete in the marketplace to achieve carbon neutrality by 2045. RFA submitted the comments in response to a July 7 CARB workshop in …
CARB Urged to Recognize Climate-Smart Farming in LCFS
The American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE), along with the Great Plains Institute, Low Carbon Fuels Coalition, the National Biodiesel Board, and Canadian Oilseed Processors Association, this week sent a letter to the California Air Resources Board (CARB) urging them to recognize the climate benefits of farming practices in California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS). . The letter cites principles for …
USDA Invests in Climate Smart Ag for Low Carbon Fuel
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) will invest nearly $75 million for 15 partner-led projects to address natural resource concerns on private lands. The projects include a $7.5 million investment in the American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE)-led Regional Conservation Partnership Program (RCPP) project to secure farmers premier access to low carbon fuel standard (LCFS) markets based on their adoption of …
Ethanol Report: 10 Years of California’s LCFS
2021 marks the 10th anniversary of the California Low Carbon Fuel Standard being implemented with the goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the state’s transportation sector, while also lessening dependence on petroleum by using alternative fuels, like ethanol. A new Renewable Fuels Association white paper looks at how, for the past decade, ethanol has been the go-to fuel to …