Clean Fuels Conference 202

Minnesota Passes 20% Biodiesel Mandate

John Davis

The Minnesota Legislature has passed the largest biodiesel mandate in the country, sending the bill to Governor Tim Pawlenty for his signature. SF 3683 is an omnibus agricluture bill authored by Sen. Jim Vickerman, DFL-Tracy (pictured left) that uses language from original legislation introduced by Rep. Al Juhnke, DFL-Willmar, (pictured right). It moves the biodiesel standard up to 5 percent …

Biodiesel, Legislation

Renewable Energy Bill Passes Florida Legislature

John Davis

A comprehensive energy bill has passed the Florida legislature, and now goes to the governor for an expected signature. This story from the Orlando (FL) Sun-Sentinel says the measure has provisions specifically addressing renewable energy in the state: The bill, which addresses Gov. Charlie Crist’s call for policies that combat global warming, is made up of 112 sections that could …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, Legislation, News, Solar, Wind

SC Bills Fostering Renewable Energy

John Davis

A trio of bills before the South Carolina legislature are designed to promote renewable energy in the state, as well as conservation by consumers. Senate President Pro Tem Glenn McConnell’s (R-Charleston) three bills were presented to a state Senate Finance Committee this week. This story from television station WFMY says the first bill dealt with tax breaks for making home …

Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, Legislation, News, Solar, Wind

Minnesota Looks to Increase Biodiesel Mandate

John Davis

Hoping to mimic the success its ethanol mandate has brought to that industry in Minnesota, the state is looking at bumping up its 2 percent biodiesel mandate. This story from Minnesota Public Radio says a bill before the state legislature would increase that requirement by 10-fold: “What this does is actually give a signal to industry that they should move …

Biodiesel, Government, Legislation

Challenge to Argentine Export Tax System

John Davis

The American Soybean Association (ASA) is filing a World Trade Organization challenge to Argentina’s export tax system… a system the ASA says turns out to be an unfair subsidy for Argentine biodiesel exports. This story posted on Agriculture Online has details: The Argentine export tax system favors biodiesel with lower export taxes for the fuel than for exports of raw …

Biodiesel, International, Legislation