Prior to the start of the program here at the Ethanol Summit at the Indianapolis Speedway the chairman of the National Corn Growers Association, Leon Corzine (left), met with USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development, Tom Dorr.

Ethanol Summit Underway
The Ethanol Summit is now in full swing. Buddy Rahal and his 3 drivers got us started with short statements. Tony George, President of the IRL just finished speaking
Ethanol Car Driver
To get you in the Indy mood today, here’s an interview I did on Ethanol Day with the number 17 car driver, Jeff Simmons.
Ethanol Forum At Indy
It’s a beautiful Thursday morning trackside here in Indianapolis as we get ready for the Ethanol Forum. As you know, our primary sponsor is the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council and they are very involved in the event being held here this morning.
Meet The EPIC President
It’s time once again for an Indy week interview. This time it’s with Tom Branhan, CEO of Glacial Lakes Energy, a farmer-owned ethanol plant in Watertown, SD.
Ethanol Champion Interview
As we work our way closer to the Indianapolis 500 I’ve got an interview for you to listen to today with ICM CEO, Dave Vander Griend. Dave is a founder of the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council. His company is a design/engineering firm for ethanol plants.
Revving It Up For Indy
It’s the final week before the Indianapolis 500. Time to get revved up. I’ll be heading on over later this week. On Thursday the IRL is having an Ethanol Forum which will feature speakers like IRL founder Tony George and USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development, Tom Dorr. I’ll report on it for you right here.
Hornish Wins 4th Indy Fast Lap
For the fourth time in two weeks, Sam Hornish, Jr. recorded the “Ethanol Fast Lap” and $2,500 with a speed of 224.951 miles per hour. The Marlboro Team Penske driver has been the fastest driver for all four Ethanol Fast Laps days in Indy 500 practice, collecting $10,000 from the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council. The final Indy Fast Lap …
Green Grand Prix
Increased awareness of domestic fuel alternatives is helping organizers of the 2nd Annual Green Grand Prix to be held in Watkins Glen, NY on June 2. The Green Grand Prix features a road rally of Hybrid and Alternative Fueled Vehicles held on an 84-mile course following the perimeter of beautiful Seneca Lake in the Finger Lakes region of upstate New …
E-Day at Indy
The countdown to the 2006 Indy 500 has begun – the first Indy 500 to be run on ten percent ethanol fuel. To get the momentum going, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway is holding “Ethanol Day” on Thursday, May 11, featuring Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman. Chuck will be covering that event live, as soon as he gets back from the …