Last week, the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) explained its decision to reject amendments to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) and identified a number of potentially substantive issues that could impact the success of biomass-based diesel in the state, according to Clean Fuels Alliance America. The issues include indirect land use change (ILUC) values, new fuel pathway applications, …

Scientists Urge Court to Reject Land Use Claims
Eight of the nation’s leading experts in agricultural economics and biofuels lifecycle analysis are urging the D.C. Circuit Court to reject claims made by the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD) in its lawsuit challenging EPA’s 2023-2025 Renewable Fuel Standard volumes. In its challenge to EPA’s so-called “RFS set rule,” CBD relied on debunked studies by University of Wisconsin researcher Tyler …
Study Finds Minimal Corn Ethanol Land Use Change
A newly released study published in the American Journal of Agricultural Economics finds no evidence to support concerns about large indirect land use change effect of corn ethanol causing expansion in cropland and reduction in grasslands and forests. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) members Madhu Khanna and Yijia Li from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Ruiqing Miao …
RFA Disputes NWF Study with USDA County Data
It is undisputed that the amount of land dedicated to crop production overall in the United States has been on the decline for decades, dropping 12 percent just between 1997 and 2012, according to USDA census data. At the same time, corn acreage and ethanol production have increased significantly, which is also undisputed. What is disputed is whether increased ethanol …
Study Looks at Biofuel Crops, Land Change & Climate
A new study has looked at how converting land to grow biofuel crops impacts greenhouse gas emissions. Researchers at the DOE Argonne National Laboratory found that in the past analyses only looked at the changes in the amount of carbon stored in the soil and vegetation of these converted lands that were previously forests, grasslands or pastureland. So the research …
New Data Supports #Biodiesel Carbon Benefits
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) hosted an alternative fuels workshop in Macon, Georgia this week that reviewed the sustainability of feedstocks, such as soybean oil, used when producing biodiesel or biojet fuel. During the event, Purdue University Professor Wally Tyner presented the latest findings from a team research project (funded by the James and Louis Ackerman endowment) focused on …
Scientists Confirm #Biodiesel Provides CO2 Reduction
A report from the Coordinating Research Council, (CRC) adds to the growing body of research that demonstrates biodiesel’s role as a low carbon fuel. Two of the report’s key conclusions find that carbon emissions from biofuels are declining relative to petroleum, and confidence in these results continue to grow as more research is released. According to the National Biodiesel Board …
Ethanol Provides Significant GHG Reductions
California’s Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) is reaching its halfway point and a new analysis from the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) find that grain-based ethanol has provided nearly half of the greenhouse gas (GHG) reductions achieved under the first five years of the program. Seven years ago, on April 23rd, California Air Resources Board (CARB) formally adopted the LCFS, and …
Report Confirms Ethanol’s GHG Reductions
Earlier this month the European Commission released its new report, “The land use change impact of biofuels consumed in the EU,” (GLOBIOM). The study assessed the (indirect) land use change (LUC) impacts of biofuels demand expected as a result of Europe’s 2020 climate and energy policy. According to the European Renewable Ethanol Association (ePURE), the study found that increased demand …
RFA Shuns New Anti-RFS Campaign
The publicly anti-ethanol organization Smarter Fuel Future has launched a campaign calling on Congress and the administration to repeal the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The coalition is backed by Big Oil along with various food, environmental and anti-hunger organizations. In response to the campaign, Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) President and CEO Bob Dinneen said: “The oil industry thinks it’s being …