According to an analysis performed by Battelle Memorial Institute and R&D Magazine, the global research and development (R&D) outlook for 2011 will be more stable and positive and is emerging from one of the worst recession eras in recent times. With this in mind, R&D managers are prepared to see moderate, but sustainable growth and more global competition for resources …

Investments in G-20 Clean Power Projects Could Top $2.3 Trillion
Private funds have been difficult to secure in the U.S. for clean energy programs for the past year; however, on a global scale, private investments in G-20 clean power projects could total more than $2.3 trillion by the end of this decade alone. This figure was released as part of a new report from the Pew Charitable Trusts this month: …
DOE Awards $20M for Geothermal Programs
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) has drummed up $20M in funding for seven geothermal projects that will focus on technical and economic feasibility of unconventional geothermal energy technologies. The seven companies awarded funding include Energent Corporation, GreenFire Energy, Modoc Contracting, Oski Energy, ElectraTherm, Louisiana Geothermal, and NRG Energy. Each of these companies will be focused on one of three …
Renewable Energy Progress
Earlier this month, the 25x’25 Alliance released a progress report on where the nation is in terms of the goal of meeting 25 percent of our energy needs with renewable resources by 2025, and they held a press conference with representatives of all the major renewable energy sectors to talk about the report and what still needs to be done. …
Military Tops in Alternative Fuels Use
A new report says America’s warfighters are leaders in the use of alternative fuels. This story from says a Pew Charitable Trust report has good news about the U.S. Department of Defense’s use of solar, geothermal and biodiesel: According to [Phyllis Cuttino, director of Pew Charitable Trusts’ climate and energy programs], DoD accounts for 80 percent of the U.S. …
Pickens Encourages Investment in American Energy
“When do we stop investing in OPEC and start investing in America?” That’s the question that oil tycoon T. Boone Pickens asked at a House Ways and Means committee hearing Wednesday on “Energy Tax Incentives Driving the Green Job Economy.” Pickens told the panel that he’s for “anything that’s American” when it comes to energy -including wind, coal, solar, hydro, …
Geothermal Energy Grows 26% in 2009
According to a new report from the Geothermal Energy Association (GEA), geothermal energy showed 26 percent growth in new projects under development in 2009 in the US. According to the new report, “2010 US Geothermal Power Production and Development Update,” 188 projects are underway in 15 states which could eventually produce as much as 7,875 MW of new electric power …
Newest Cash Crop – Clean Energy
Farmers and small business have found a crop to make them more money – clean energy. This according to a recent report from the Environmental Lay & Policy Center (ELPC) which just released “Farm Energy Success Stories” that demonstrate how a farm or small rural business adopted clean energy technologies and cut energy costs. Examples cited in the report include …
Idaho Power to Add More Geothermal Energy
While alternative energy continues to get a boost from the Obama administration, geothermal still doesn’t seem to be garnering much of the spotlight. However, the energy sector is growing and recently the state of Idaho announced that it will increase its percentage of energy output from wind, solar and biomass and is looking to add more geothermal derived energy. Based …
Utahns to Get Training for Wind, Solar, Alt Fuels Jobs
About 2,000 Utahns who need good jobs will get some training in fields looking to hire: alternative fuels, renewable energy, wind, solar and geothermal power. The Deseret News reports that a $4.6 million stimulus bucks grant will pay for training for displaced workers, disadvantaged youths and veterans: “We’re still working out some of the details,” department spokesman Curt Stewart said …