General Motors is giving E85 a day at the GM FlexFuel 250 races February 17 at Daytona International Speedway

USDA Undersecretary at Biodiesel Conference
USDA Undersecretary for Rural Development Tom Dorr was one of today’s speakers at the National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego
Budget Talk
Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns unveiled details of USDA’S FY2007 budget in a press conference today
Great Cellulosic Ethanol Article
Here’s a very good, comprehensive on cellulosic ethanol
Reuters has a little factiod list out about biofuels that has a few simple key points about ethanol and biodiesel in it and it very accurate.
The E-List
If you are in the ethanol business as a supplier, producer, researcher, government agency the Fuel Ethanol Industry Directory wants to list you for free.
Heard it Through the Pipeline
Brazil is considering a pipeline for ethanol
Somebody Got the Point
Finally I found an article that picked up on the president’s references to a “new kind of ethanol” and provided some good information on the potential for cellulosic ethanol.
Ethanol Feature in USA Today
There is a big feature story on ethanol in USA Today that, unfortunately, highlights more of the drawbacks to ethanol than the advantages.
More from Mean Green: One Kernel, Two Fuels
Veridium Corporation of New Jersey was granted the exclusive worldwide rights to Mean Green’s patent-pending Corn Oil Extraction System