EPIC & the IRL Get Tropical In Miami

Chuck Zimmerman

Ethanol Miami TestOn Saturday I was travelling back from last week’s Commodity Classic so I didn’t get to attend the press conference held i Miami for the Indy Racing League and our sponsor, EPIC. However, we bloggers have our ways of getting information. You can find out what the things on the table in this picture are by reading below. So here’s what happened:

EPIC, Ethanol, Promotion

Students Driving Cross Country On E85

Chuck Zimmerman

ICARE Group in DCIn case you’ve wondered if you can drive across the U. S. on E85 fuel only the answer is “you can.” Some college students are doing just that as I write. I just spoke with Jim Richardson, Iowa Central Community College, and they’ll wind up in Des Moines tonight after starting out in Washington, DC yesterday morning. He said they had just done a few laps around the Indianapolis Motor Speedway!

Ethanol, Flex Fuel Vehicles

EPIC Welcomes USDA Undersecretary

Chuck Zimmerman

EPIC Commodity Classic BoothOur sponsor here at DomesticFuel is the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council (EPIC). They were in Anaheim this past week exhibiting at the Commodity Classic and had some very distinguished visitors like the Tom Dorr, USDA Undersecretary for Rural Development. I just got the pictures and wanted to share. There’s more to come.

EPIC, Ethanol

Pawlenty of Renewable Fuel In MN

Chuck Zimmerman

Commodity Classic 37Minnesota Governor, Tim Pawlenty, spoke to a crowd here at Commodity Classic in Anaheim on Friday. I think some of the folks here would like to see him run for President. He gave a great talk about how his state has led the way in the development of renewable fuels and challenged other states to follow their lead in what he called the “Energy Revolution.”

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol, Government, Legislation

NCGA President Happy About Ethanol Progress

Chuck Zimmerman

Commodity Classic 23Hello from Commodity Classic, the combined annual meeting of the National Corn Growers Association and the American Soybean Association. The first press conference here at Commodity Classic is always with the leadership of NCGA and ASA. To get us started I interviewed NCGA President, Gerald Tumbleson.

Audio, Ethanol