The Ethanol Summit is now in full swing. Buddy Rahal and his 3 drivers got us started with short statements. Tony George, President of the IRL just finished speaking

Ethanol Car Driver
To get you in the Indy mood today, here’s an interview I did on Ethanol Day with the number 17 car driver, Jeff Simmons.
Ethanol Forum At Indy
It’s a beautiful Thursday morning trackside here in Indianapolis as we get ready for the Ethanol Forum. As you know, our primary sponsor is the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council and they are very involved in the event being held here this morning.
On The Road To Indy
Time to take a break, as in drive to Indianapolis. Tomorrow there will be an Ethanol Forum taking place and I’ll be there. I’ll be posting lots of interviews and pictures all the way through the race on Sunday from the pagoda, as they call the media center building trackside.
Frontier Ethanol Opens In Iowa
There is no shortage of ethanol news this week as we get closer to the Indianapolis 500. This story is about a new ethanol plant in Iowa. The Broin Companies just announced that Frontier Ethanol, LLC, near Gowrie, Iowa, is the 100th ethanol plant to begin operations in the United States. The Sioux Falls, SD-based company developed, designed, engineered, and built the facility and will provide management and marketing services. There’s a grand opening planned for tomorrow.
Meet The EPIC President
It’s time once again for an Indy week interview. This time it’s with Tom Branhan, CEO of Glacial Lakes Energy, a farmer-owned ethanol plant in Watertown, SD.
E85 Promotional Campaign
A Missouri-based company is getting ready to give away a new Ford F-150 flexible fuel truck. It’s MFA Oil Company and they’ll be announcing full details on Friday, May 26. Wish I could be there.
Ethanol Champion Interview
As we work our way closer to the Indianapolis 500 I’ve got an interview for you to listen to today with ICM CEO, Dave Vander Griend. Dave is a founder of the Ethanol Promotion and Information Council. His company is a design/engineering firm for ethanol plants.
Revving It Up For Indy
It’s the final week before the Indianapolis 500. Time to get revved up. I’ll be heading on over later this week. On Thursday the IRL is having an Ethanol Forum which will feature speakers like IRL founder Tony George and USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development, Tom Dorr. I’ll report on it for you right here.
Gas Prices Fuel Web Searches
People who keep track of such things say that higher gas prices are causing a major increase in web searches for domestic fuel terms such as ethanol and biodiesel. According to Hitwise, the share of U.S. internet searches for the term ‘ethanol’ was up 212 percent for the four weeks ending May 13, 2006 versus the four weeks ending April …