EPA Takes Action to Terminate EV Mandate

Cindy Zimmerman

In a major announcement Wednesday, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lee Zeldin said the agency will reconsider the Model Year 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles regulation and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles which amounts to a mandate for electric vehicles (EV). In addition to imposing over $700 billion in regulatory and compliance costs, these rules provided …

Electric Vehicles, Energy, EPA

President Trump Declares Energy Emergency

Cindy Zimmerman

President Donald Trump made it clear in some of his first executive actions that he wants to make American energy great again, and that includes E15, but no mandate for electric vehicles. Specifically, President Trump said he wanted to revoke the electric vehicle mandate so Americans will be able to buy the car of their choice. The order under Unleashing …

biofuels, Electric Vehicles, Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Preview of 2025 Clean Fuels Conference

Chuck Zimmerman

One of the first events of 2025 is the annual Clean Fuels Conference, formally the National Biodiesel Conference, coming up January 20-23 in San Diego, CA with the theme: Accelerate. “We chose Accelerate as the theme just because so many aspects of our industry are speeding up right now,” said Heather Buechter, Director of Communications for Clean Fuels Alliance America. …

advanced biofuels, Audio, Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, Energy, Soybean

Implementation Plan for SAF Challenge Released

Cindy Zimmerman

The U.S. Departments of Energy, Transportation, and Agriculture have released the Implementation Framework for the Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) Grand Challenge Roadmap. The SAF Grand Challenge was launched in 2021 as a government-wide strategy for identifying new technologies to produce SAF on a commercial scale with the overall goal to produce three billion gallons per year of domestic SAF by …

aviation biofuels, biofuels, Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, feedstocks, USDA

OPIS Analyst Gives Update to ACE

Cindy Zimmerman

Tom Kloza, Global Head of Energy Analysis with Oil Price Information Service (OPIS), was the keynote speaker last week at the 36th annual American Coalition for Ethanol conference. Kloza’s keynote explored the current landscape of the liquid fuel market, and what to expect in the months ahead. “You’re going to hear a lot about very, very high crude prices and …

ACE, ACE Ethanol Conference, Audio, biofuels, Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Ethanol Industry Leads in Military Vet Employment

Cindy Zimmerman

According to a new Department of Energy (DOE) report, the military veteran workforce in the ethanol industry is triple the rate seen in the national workforce average and higher than the petroleum fuels and general energy workforce. According to the DOE report, veterans make up 15% of the corn ethanol fuels workforce, which is higher than the 9% energy workforce …

Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Clean Fuels’ Fenwick on ASTM International Board

Cindy Zimmerman

Clean Fuels Alliance America technical director Scott Fenwick began a three-year term on the ASTM International board of directors earlier this month. The 25-member board, which consists of leaders from companies, associations, universities, government bodies and other organizations around the world, integrates consensus standards to positively impact public health and safety. Fenwick previously served as chairman of the ASTM International …

Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, Energy

RFA Joins Ag Bioeconomy Coalition

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association has joined the Ag Bioeconomy Coalition, a group founded earlier this year to advance federal policy initiatives that “foster growth toward an economy based on innovative bio-based products derived from agricultural commodities, including ethanol and other renewable fuels.” “With smart policy and targeted investment, the U.S. agriculture and bio-manufacturing sectors can provide practical solutions to today’s …

biofuels, Carbon, Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Biodiesel and Food Sustainability Webinar

Cindy Zimmerman

As the food industry is under increasing pressure to meet increasingly ambitious sustainability goals demand continues to grow for biodiesel, a renewable alternative that more companies and municipalities are leveraging to lower their carbon footprint.   The Center for Food Integrity (CFI) and the United Soybean Board (USB) are hosting a free webinar Tuesday Aug. 30 at 1:00 pm central to …

Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, Energy, Sustainability

McKinney: China Needs to Buy More Ethanol

Cindy Zimmerman

China is lagging behind in its purchases of energy products under the Phase One agreement, but USDA Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs Ted McKinney says they could get there with more ethanol and distillers grains (DDGs). During a virtual appearance at the Agricultural Retailers Association (ARA) annual conference this week, McKinney updated attendees on ag trade with …

Audio, Distillers Grains, Energy, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Trade, USDA