Clean Fuels Conference 202

California Breaks the 10,000 MW Solar Barrier

Joanna Schroeder

According to the new U.S. Solar Market Insight Report, California has become the first state in the country to exceed 10,000 MW of installed solar capacity. California has more solar assets than most nations, including the United Kingdom, France, Spain, Australia and Belgium. The report was conducted by GTM Research and supported by the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). During …

Clean Energy, Electricity, Renewable Energy, Solar

Canadian Wind Industry Grows

Joanna Schroeder

Yesterday was Global Wind Day and Canada celebrated its growing wind energy industry. The Canadian Wind Energy Association (CanWEA) announced that they are now the 7th country in the world to surpass 10,000 MW of installed wind energy capacity with the commissioning of the K2 Wind Power Project. “Meeting the 10,000 MW milestone confirms that Canada is a global leader …

Clean Energy, Electricity, International, Renewable Energy, Wind

Intel Pilots Micro-Turbine Rooftop Wind Power

Joanna Schroeder

Intel is participating in a unique pilot wind power project. The company is installing 58 micro-turbines on the roof to help renewably power their building. According to Marty Sedler, director of global utilities & infrastructure for Intel, the project came about due to their ongoing efforts to find more sustainable ways to use technology. This is why, he said, Intel …

Clean Energy, Electricity, Environment, Renewable Energy, Wind

EWEA Calls for RES Targets to be Met

Joanna Schroeder

According to a new paper released by the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), the European Commission needs new controls to ensure the EU meets its 27 percent RES target by 2030. The EU must have benchmarks in place by December 2015 that will provide indications for Member States on reaching the EU-wide target. Member States must set their individual commitments …

Electricity, International, Renewable Electricty Standard (RES), Wind

Michigan Winery Goes Solar

Joanna Schroeder

The largest solar agribusiness installation at a winery, Chateau Chantal Winery & Inn, is now online after a ceremonious flip of the switch by Michigan U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow. “Michigan IS a leader in renewable energy,” staid U.S. Senator Stabenow. “Make, grow and innovate – that’s what we do best in Michigan.” The 148.5 kW Harvest Energy Solutions solar installation …

Agribusiness, Clean Energy, Electricity, Renewable Energy, Solar

Coalition Fights for EV Dev in San Diego

Joanna Schroeder

A broad coalition has submitted a proposed settlement to the California Public Utilities Commission in an effort to speed up the deployment of smart electric vehicle charging stations in San Diego. The proposal calls for San Diego Gas and Electric (SDG&E) to install smart charging infrastructure at up to 550 multi-family housing sites and workplace locations throughout its service territory, …

Alternative Vehicles, Electric Vehicles, Electricity

FPL and FIU to Build Solar Power Center

Joanna Schroeder

Florida Power & Light Company (FPL) and Florida International University (FIU) have solidified a partnership to build a commercial-scale distributed solar power facility that will both generate electricity for FPL’s 4.8 million customers and serve as an innovative research operation. The project includes the installation of more than 5,700 solar panels on 23 canopy-like structures that will be built this …

Clean Energy, Electricity, Research, Solar

Nat’l Debt Grows, Energy Costs Rise

Joanna Schroeder

Americans have had some recent relief at the pump but it may be short-lived. According to State of the World 2015, long-term energy costs are on the rise. Why? America’s, along with other countries’ growing debt. Author John Hagens a former hedge fund manager who now teaches human macro-ecology at University of Minnesota, said nations are papering over these costs …

Clean Energy, Electricity, Energy, Renewable Energy

How Renewables Fit in Clean Power Plan

Joanna Schroeder

How will the electricity energy mix change with the implementation of the Clean Power Plan? This question was reviewed in the latest Energy Information Administration’s (EIA) Today in Energy. Using the Annual Energy Outlook 2015 (AEO2015) as the baseline, the main compliance strategy to lower emissions rates as the proposed rule comes into effect is to increase natural gas-fired generation …

Clean Energy, Clean Power Plan, Electricity, Renewable Electricty Standard (RES), Renewable Energy, Solar, Wind