A robotic arm is providing a helping hand for USDA researchers doing cellulosic ethanol research. The one-armed robot is helping scientists with the Agricultural Research Service in Peoria, Illinois speed studies aimed at harnessing the power of proteins for industrial uses, such as making fuel ethanol from fibrous corn stover. According to an ARS article, the robotic system can carry …
DOE Funds ADM-Purdue Project
A joint bioenergy project of Archer Daniels Midland Company (ADM) and Purdue University has been selected to receive funding by the U.S. Department of Energy to further the commercialization of cellulosic ethanol. According to a news release, the project is focused on commercializing the use of highly-efficient yeast which converts cellulosic materials into ethanol through fermentation. The development of improved …
Prairie Grass Mixes for Ethanol
Cellulosic ethanol might be better made from a blend of prairie grasses, rather than just one variety. That is the finding of research being done at the University of Minnesota, according to researcher Dr. Jason Hill who testified at a Field Hearing of the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition and Forestry, held April 3 in Fargo, ND. According to …
Sorghum Growers Cellulosic Forum
This week, the National Sorghum Producers hosted a forum with representatives from Abengoa Bioenergy and the U.S. Department of Energy’s Idaho National Laboratory, as well as sorghum researchers to discuss how the sweet crop fits in the ethanol industry. Participants shared research plans and findings in regard to sorghum biomass-to-ethanol and sweet sorghum-to-ethanol production. Researchers from Kansas State, Texas A&M, …
Fueling North Carolina’s Future
The North Carolina General Assembly is considering a sweeping statewide strategic plan to strengthen North Carolina’s future in biofuels development and use. According to a release from the North Carolina Biotechnology Center: The 16-page document, “Fueling North Carolina’s Future: North Carolina’s Strategic Plan for Biofuels Leadership,” is the culmination of a seven-month process involving more than 70 leaders from across …
Energy Department Funding
The U.S. Department of Energy has announced just over $23 million in federal funding for five projects focused on developing highly efficient fermentative organisms to convert biomass material to ethanol. According to a DOE press release, Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Alexander Karsner said the projects will study ways to produce cellulosic ethanol cost-effectively. “Ultimately, success in …
Crops for Fuel
During a renewable energy roundtable discussion at Purdue University last week, the question was posed, why are we using food for fuel? USDA Chief Economist Dr. Keith Collins had the chance to respond to the questioner with an important point. “I first would say that I don’t think about using food for fuel. I think about using crops for fuel. …
Novozymes Introduces Cellulosic Strategy
Demark-based biotech firm Novozymes has “introduced a five-step strategy to achieve economically viable cellulosic ethanol.” According to a news release, the strategy was unveiled at a press conference during the 4th Annual World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing in Orlando, Fla. The press conference was followed by a panel discussion featuring Per Falholt, Novozymes chief scientific officer; Maria Rapoza, …
Woody Biomass Grants
The US Department of Agriculture has awarded $6.2 million in grants to more than two dozen small businesses and community groups to develop innovative uses for woody biomass, including renewable energy and new products, from national forests. The grants will help create markets for small-diameter material and low-valued trees removed from forest restoration activities, such as reducing hazardous fuels, handling …
Forum Focuses on Energy
The theme was Agriculture at the Crossroads — Energy, Farm & Rural Policy and it was obvious that energy was the headliner at USDA’s 2007 Outlook Forum last week. The plenary session of the Forum featured some of the top names in agribusiness – ADM CEO Patricia Woertz, Cargill president Greg Page and CHS president John Johnson, together with Red …