Dairy Farmers of America (DFA) and Vanguard Renewables have announced a strategic partnership to help bring anaerobic digestion technology to more farms across the country. Although renewable energy methods, like anaerobic digesters that convert manure to energy, offer solutions to the waste management and sustainability challenges facing the dairy industry, they are not broadly used on American dairy farms. The …

Carbon Intensity Surpasses #Biofuel Volumes as Key Metric
Lux Research is reporting that new policies are being put forward based on technology-agnostic carbon intensity metrics rather than focusing on mandating volumes of specific biofuels. The move to low carbon fuels is being led, says Lux Research, by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) and the near-term winners will be renewable diesel and conventional electricity followed by renewable electricity. …
DuPont & MIAVIT Forge Biogas Enzyme Supply Contract
DuPont Industrial Biosciences and MIAVIT GmbH have forged a biogas enzyme supply contract. An integral part of the agreement will be DuPont supplying enzymes for incorporation in MIAVIT biogas boosting products. According to DuPont, its enzyme technology is proven to improve several production areas including biogas yields and process robustness. This, says DuPont, will increase revenues and profitability. MIAVIT will …
Weltec Biopower Showcases Biogas Technologies
Weltec Biopower is showcasing its biogas technologies during the upcoming Energy Decentral in Hanover, Germany taking place November 15-18, 2016. For the first time, the company will promote its slurry and digestate processing system “Kumac.” According to the company, the system, which is fully automated, reduces the liquid manure and digestate volume by 50 percent. In a four-stage procedure, clear …
Biogas Plant Trial Leads to Growth
German-based Greenline is planning a 3 MW biogas plant expansion after the successful trial of an industrial-scale biogas plant in Brandenburg. The biogas plant uses a substrate mix of sugar beet, grass silage and maize to produce energy. The plant was designed by Greenline and is operated by Biogas Osters & Voß GmbH & Co. KG from Groß Gottschow. At …
Borregaard Invests in Bioethanol Upgrade, Biogas
Norway company Borregaard has announced a bioethanol upgrade project. The company is committing NOK 63 million to the project that includes a new facility to capture and store biogas. Norwegian government agency Enova has awarded Borregaard a NOK 18.9 million grant. The funds are given to projects that promote environmentally friendly restructuring of energy end-use renewable energy production and new …
IKEA to Install Biogas-Powered Fuel Cell System
IKEA has announced plans to build its first biogas-powered fuel cell system at its New Haven, Connecticut store. The project follows the success of two biogas systems installed in two San Francisco-area stores. IKEA has also announced plans for similar projects at four additional California stores. IKEA anticipates the New Haven fuel cell system will be commissioned and operational by …
DuPont Launches OPTIMASH Biogas Enzyme
DuPont Industrial Biosciences has launched a new enzyme for the biogas industry to enable biomethane producers to improve biogas yields and process robustness – OPTIMASH AD-100. The company said the product should ultimately increase their revenue and profitability. DuPont says the enzyme has been shown to produce up to a 13 percent increase in biogas yields in anaerobic digesters. The …
Duke Energy to Capture Methane from Swine Waste
Duke Energy has finalized a deal to purchase captured methane gas derived from swine waste. The project will take place at farms located in Kenansville, North Carolina and its the second waste-to-energy project of its kind for Duke Energy. The captured methane will be treated, injected into a pipeline system and then used to produce renewable electricity at two power …
Biodico Awarded Net Zero Farm CEC Grant
Biodico has received a $1.2 million grant from the California Energy Commission (CEC) to help fund its Zero Net Energy Farms project, which would enable farms to generate all electrical and heating power needs from on-site renewable resources. The monies were awarded under CEC’s Electric Program Investment Charge Challenge, a program designed to help develop advanced energy communities. Biodico is …