Clean Fuels Alliance America Chair Michael Rath, Sr. with Darling Ingredients is optimistic about the future of clean fuels. In his address to the membership at last week’s Clean Fuels Conference, Rath noted that consumers, including fleets, have choices for the fuel they put in their vehicles. “Clean fuel adoption is now largely driven by that consumer demand for choice,” …

Clean Fuels Inspiration and Partnership Awards
Clean Fuels Alliance America presented awards recognizing industry partnerships and inspiration at the Clean Fuels Conference in Fort Worth last week. ASTM International, the globally recognized standards development organization, will receive the Industry Partnership Award for its ongoing collaboration with the Clean Fuels’ technical team and the greater fuels industry to regularly revise and improve fuel standards, including ASTM D6751, …
Ethanol Report Preview of NEC
The Renewable Fuels Association National Ethanol Conference is the nation’s most widely attended executive-level conference for the ethanol industry, and this year’s conference February 19-21 in San Diego is anticipated to be one of the largest in recent years. Nearly 1,000 industry professionals are expected to attend the conference with the theme “Powered by Partnerships” to reflect the deeply collaborative …
Federal Clean Fuels Policy Update
At the Clean Fuels Conference in Fort Wort this week, Kurt Kovarik, who serves as Vice President, Federal Affairs for Clean Fuels, provided an update on federal policies and described the work Clean Fuels does on the Hill. A significant part of it is education and persistence. Kovarik leads members in advocating federal policies that support the industry’s growth. Kovarik …
Clean Fuels Awards Presented
The annual Clean Fuels Awards honoring outstanding contributions of a diverse group of individuals and organizations who have demonstrated a commitment to advancing biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel were announced this week at the Clean Fuels Conference in Fort Worth. The Impact Award was presented Tuesday to John Bullock, Executive Vice President and Chief Strategy Officer for Darling …
Clean Fuels CEO Optimistic as Industry Faces Headwind
On the MainStage at the 2024 Clean Fuels Conference, Clean Fuels Alliance America CEO Donnell Rehagen, provided a state of the industry report noting that it is a very transformative time for clean fuels, biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel. “We are facing a serious headwind right now with the low RVOs set by the EPA as part of …
Preview of 2024 Clean Fuels Conference
It’s time for the 2024 Clean Fuels Conference. This year the conference is located in Ft. Worth, TX. The Clean Fuels Conference connects key players of the biodiesel, renewable diesel and sustainable aviation fuel industry for one can’t-miss event. Clean fuels for land, sea and sky come together for a week of expert sessions, exhibits and showcases. Attendees include clean …
Biofuels Industry Mourns Loss of Bill Northey
The tributes began pouring in as soon as the shock wore off Monday when the news broke that former Iowa Agriculture Secretary and USDA Under Secretary for Farm Production and Conservation Bill Northey had died at the age of 64. The Agribusiness Association of Iowa (AAI) where Northey served as CEO shared the news of his passing. “The state of …
Iowa Ethanol Needs Carbon Capture to Benefit from SAF
Iowa corn farmers and ethanol producers celebrated the start of production of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) this week at LanzaJet Freedom Pines Fuels but a new study shows the state needs carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) to reap benefits from increased use of ethanol-to-jet SAF. “Today and every day going forward, American farmers and ethanol producers are losing demand until …
LanzaJet Opens First Ethanol to SAF Plant
LanzaJet made history this week opening the world’s first ethanol to sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) production facility in Soperton, Georgia. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack joined LanzaJet at Wednesday’s event. “As we transition to SAF, this will not only create new climate smart commodity markets for American producers, but it will also help American companies such as LanzaJet corner the market …