While Cindy is holding down the fort, I’m attending the Pioneer Hi-Bred, “Science of Solutions” media event in Johnston, IA. In the first interview I conducted ethanol came up. I was speaking with Bill Kuhn, Pioneer Research Director. Bill mentioned ethanol and I asked him how Pioneer is developing corn varieties that have traits that would increase ethanol production on a per bushel basis.

How About A Chance To Win An iPod
If you’ve wanted to own an Apple video iPod then here’s your chance. It’s the New Holland “Down on the Farm” Classic iPod Keepsake Contest. One lucky winner will be drawn to win a new 30GB video iPod. The contest starts now and will run through March 15 with the winner being announced here and on all ZimmComm blogs on March 20, National Agriculture Day.
Energy Conference Presentations Available
Papers and presentations given at the recent Energy From Agriculture Conference in St. Louis are available on the Farm Foundation website.