Thanksgiving Dinner Less Than Last Year

Cindy Zimmerman

This year’s Thanksgiving dinner should cost slightly less than last year, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation‘s 32nd annual price survey of items traditionally used in the Thanksgiving meal. The cost of the dinner is the lowest since 2013 at $49.12, down 75 cents, or one and a half percent from last year, according to Dr. John Newton, AFBF …


Trade, Farm Bill & Taxes…Oh My!

Missouri Farm Bureau President Blake Hurst represented the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) at last week’s NAFB Trade Talk. As you can guess, trade, 2018 farm bill and tax reform we key issues we discussed. When it comes to NAFTA renegotiations, Hurst said, “U.S. agriculture can see some benefits from this renegotiation. We can see changes to phytosanitary rules. We …

AFBF, Ag group, AgWired Animal, AgWired Energy, AgWired Precision, Audio, farm bill, Farm Bureau, Government, NAFB, Trade