Most support using corn for biofuels.

Talia Goes

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, ”Do you support biofuel production and the use of corn to do this?” Our poll results: The majority of you at sixty percent say Yes, thirty-three percent said No, four percent were Indifferent and four percent chose Other. Growing crops to use as biomass for producing fuel seems to be the best alternative to …


Using Corn to Support Biofuel Production

Talia Goes

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, ”How many machines (tractors, etc.) does your farm own?” Our poll results: The majority of you at thirty-five percent own 10+ machines and equipment. Twenty-five percent own 3-5, close behind was 6-9 at twenty-one percent, thirteen percent own 1-2, and six percent said other. As we suspected, every farm and farmer has a different …

biofuels, New Holland, ZimmPoll

Latest HSUS Poll Hacked

Talia Goes

Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Should we sit down with HSUS in ‘common cause’?” The results of this poll are skewed due to the hacking by HSUS. In the end, the poll read that eighty one percent voted Definitely, fifteen percent said Never, and four percent thought we Should in some cases. The attempt to affect our poll results …


2012 Was a Good Year

Talia Goes

Before we get to results and a new poll we’d like to thank Rhea + Kaiser for being the inaugural sponsor of our ZimmPoll two years ago! We started a trend as we soon saw a number of other entities begin regular online polling! Now let’s welcome and say thanks to our new ZimmPoll sponsor, New Holland Agriculture. We’ll be …
