Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “ What do you do about statistics?” Media statistics used to be simple to calculate. Then social media came along and it’s not simple anymore. Companies and agencies still want to know if their advertising and messages are being seen and heard, but with the myriad of different ways that information is shared across …

A Degree in Agriculture
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Do you have a degree in agriculture?” Our latest poll solidifies what we already knew – there are plenty of careers for those interested in agriculture. We had an overwhelming response to this question and an overwhelming majority were proud to say they have a degree in agriculture and honored to work in the …
The GMO Labeling Debate
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What should Congress do about GMO labeling?” It looks like we have many opinions on what Congress should do about the labeling of genetically modified organisms (GMO). Most agricultural organizations supported Senate Agriculture Committee Chairman Pat Roberts bill on Biotechnology Labeling Solutions, blocking advancement of the legislation that would create a voluntary federal standard …
GMO Labeling Bill – What Should Congress Do?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you look forward to most in spring?” I don’t think it really matters who won this week’s poll. What really matters is Spring is right around the corner and Spring means new beginnings. Farmers are busy preparing their fields and livestock babies of all shapes and sizes are being born each day. …
Spring is in the Air – What are you looking forward to?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How important are farm shows to farmers’ buying decisions?” Farm equipment and technology are big investments for farmers and ranchers. Buying on the fly isn’t an option. Our latest poll confirms the need for farms shows that display the latest opportunities in the agriculture world. Here are the poll results: Very – 25% Somewhat …
Do Farm Show Impact Farmers’ Buying Decisions?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What is your favorite social media outlet for agriculture?” It’s a tie! The two oldest forms of social media, Facebook and Twitter, rose to the top. When it comes to social media marketing in the agricultural field they ring tried and true. I still encourage people to step out of their comfort zones and …
Do You Have a Favorite Social Media Outlet?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How many farm shows/conferences do you attend?” We have a very wide spectrum in our results this week. It looks like most people attend around 2 to 5 farm shows or conferences each year. As you can guess, those on the AgWired Team would fit into the 5 plus category. I think a future …
Caucus Results Don’t Seem to Reflect Ag Views
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “Do Iowa Caucus results reflect ag views?” The early caucuses may influence some voters, however not the majority of those that took our latest poll. 63% said the Iowa Caucus results don’t reflect their ag views. Ag issues are continually at the forefront of our minds, but few leading candidates have taken to addressing …
Iowa Caucus & Agriculture
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What’s your planting intentions prediction for 2016?” Are you still debating what will inhabit your fields this growing season. If so, it’s crunch time. It looks like many will be planting more soybeans this year or keeping it similar to 2015. Here are the poll results: More corn, less soybeans – 7% Less corn, …
Planting 2016 – Willing to Make Predictions?
Our latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “What do you think of new dietary guidelines?” Referring to the new Dietary Guidelines for Americans, many of those who took our recent poll feel nothing has really changed from past dietary guidelines and even more simply don’t care. Here are the poll results: Fair – 0% Nothing new – 37% Good news – …