The National Biodiesel Board is happy with DaimlerChrysler because the automaker has approved the use of 20 percent biodiesel in Dodge Ram pickups.
Honda and Toyota Urged To Market FFVs
The president of the Renewable Fuels Association this week took Honda and Toyota to task for not marketing flex fuel vehicles (FFVs) in the United States
Hawaii Ethanol Plans Running Behind
Hawaii is apparently going to have a problem meeting the requirement approved in September of 2004 that a majority of the state’s gasoline contain ten percent ethanol by April 2, 2006
A New Team For Ethanol
Team Ethanol Joins Rahal Letterman Racing As Primary Sponsor For Third Car With American Rookie Paul Dana
Ethanol in the National News
Here’s a couple of national feature stories about ethanol and flex-fuel vehicles (FFVs) that have come out in the last couple of days:
Comments are Welcome
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Luke Perry and Biodiesel America
A new book is being unveiled at the National Biodiesel Conference in San Diego next month
Indy Podcasts
Fire up your I-Pod and tune in to the latest in Indy racing news from
Nationwide Ethanol Plant News
Here are links to some stories this week about ethanol plants in the news.
Adding More Value to Ethanol
New ethanol plant technology will be tested in Iowa