Here’s a very good, comprehensive on cellulosic ethanol
National Biodiesel Conference Kicks Off Today
It’s Super Sunday in San Diego
Reuters has a little factiod list out about biofuels that has a few simple key points about ethanol and biodiesel in it and it very accurate.
The E-List
If you are in the ethanol business as a supplier, producer, researcher, government agency the Fuel Ethanol Industry Directory wants to list you for free.
Heard it Through the Pipeline
Brazil is considering a pipeline for ethanol
Somebody Got the Point
Finally I found an article that picked up on the president’s references to a “new kind of ethanol” and provided some good information on the potential for cellulosic ethanol.
Ethanol Feature in USA Today
There is a big feature story on ethanol in USA Today that, unfortunately, highlights more of the drawbacks to ethanol than the advantages.
More from Mean Green: One Kernel, Two Fuels
Veridium Corporation of New Jersey was granted the exclusive worldwide rights to Mean Green’s patent-pending Corn Oil Extraction System
Leaner, Meaner, Greener
GreenShift Corporation today announced the consolidation of its various biofuels companies into a restructured Mean Green BioFuels Corporation
Market Reacts to Ethanol Talk
All this ethanol talk is good for business