Here is a link to today’s Washington Farm Report in the Des Moines Register which discusses the research into how much energy it takes to make ethanol from corn.
Marine Methanol Question
I hope one of your readers can fill me in on a paticular aspect of fuel attributes.
Cutting Fertilizer Use Goal of New Energy Estimator
USDA has released it’s new Energy Estimator for Nitrogen to help farmers and ranchers identify potential nitrogen cost savings associated with major crops and commercial nitrogen fertilizer applications.
Loan Guarantee to Fund Biodiesel Plant
A Clinton, Iowa biodiesel plant is getting a $3.2 million loan guarentee from USDA’s Rural Development Agency
Record Production in ’05
It should be no surprise to anyone that ethanol production set a record in 2005
Biodiesel Interview From the Barn
John Deere has been making efforts to encourage the use of biodiesel in it’s tractors and combines, at least on a small scale.
New Techno-Algae For Biofuels
Veridium announces new patent-pending technology for the conversion of exhaust carbon dioxide from the fermentation stage of ethanol production facilities back into new ethanol and biodiesel
Tori Fully Loaded – with Biodiesel
A biodiesel powered Volkswagen Golf TDI named Tori paid a visit this week to the offices of the National Biodiesel Board in Jefferson City, MO.
Commentary Questions Need for Ethanol Tariff
An editorial in the Wall Street Journal this week entitled “What’s Wrong With Free Trade In Biofuels?” questions the need for tariffs on low cost ethanol from Brazil if we are really serious about energy security in this country.
Midwest Poised To Become Next Middle East
As this ethanol business grows, the Midwest stands to become the next Middle East – holding a pretty big piece of the production pie.