Kick It

Cindy Zimmerman

Actor and environmentalist Robert Redford has a commentary today on about kicking the oil habit. His main purpose appears to be the promotion of, which is “based at the Center for American Progress and works with partners from the Natural Resources Defense Council to Consumers Union, to the Apollo Alliance.” The classy site features ways you can …


100th Ethanol Plant Celebration

Cindy Zimmerman

Approximately 1,200 people attended the grand opening celebration May 26 for the new $80 million Frontier Ethanol – the 100th ethanol plant to begin operations in the United States. The plant, which will produce 60 million gallons of ethanol annually from 21 million bushels of corn, is the 23rd ethanol plant built by Broin Companies. CEO Jeff Broin is pictured …


Saab BioPower

Cindy Zimmerman

Ethanol can be even more efficient than gasoline with the right engine, and Saab has the engine. According to Mobile Magazine, the 9-5 2.3t BioPower engine runs better on E85 than it does on regular gasoline – 210 bhp compared to 185 bhp. Earlier stories about the BioPower engine, such as this one in Popular Science, say it’s 184 horsepower …


Hawkeye IPO

Cindy Zimmerman

Hawkeye Holdings, the holding company that owns Hawkeye Renewables of Iowa Falls, IA may raise up to $350 million in an initial public offering, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission filing. The company’s prospectus says it is the third largest U.S. ethanol producer based on its 205 million gallons per year production capacity. Read the AP story.


States Pass Biodiesel Laws

Cindy Zimmerman

Nearly a dozen states passed legislation this year that will help increase the use of biodiesel, according to the National Biodiesel Board. Among them was Iowa, where Gov. Tom Vilsack today signed into law two renewable fuels and infrastructure bills. One will give point-of-sale retailers a three cent income tax credit on each gallon of a two percent (B2) blend …


CA Motorist Saves With Biodiesel

Cindy Zimmerman

Tied in with the last story, here’s an article from the Lompoc (CA) Record about a restaurant owner who is saving over $500 a month in fuel costs by using recycled peanut oil in his Mercedes. According to the story – Gary Mead, who communtes about an hour each way from his home to his business, adds a 16-percent mixture …


Bay-o Fuel

Cindy Zimmerman

Bay Area Biofuel is striking oil in the San Francisco bay area “fueled by a new partnership with 150 of San Francisco’s oil-rich restaurateurs.” MSNBC gave them a nice write-up about the operation which “pumps close to 12,000 gallons of biodiesel automobile fuel each month, up from virtually none six months ago.”


RFA Rings the Bell

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Association today opened trading on the NASDAQ stock exchange at its Marketsite in Times Square. RFA President and CEO Bob Dinneen (pictured with William O’Brien, NASDAQ senior VP) says he was honored to represent the U.S. ethanol industry during the opening bell ceremony. “Ethanol’s growing importance is being felt on Main Streets and more increasingly on Wall …


Gas Prices Fuel Web Searches

Cindy Zimmerman

People who keep track of such things say that higher gas prices are causing a major increase in web searches for domestic fuel terms such as ethanol and biodiesel. According to Hitwise, the share of U.S. internet searches for the term ‘ethanol’ was up 212 percent for the four weeks ending May 13, 2006 versus the four weeks ending April …

Biodiesel, Ethanol

Geographic Growth

Cindy Zimmerman

From the deep South to the wild, wild West – ethanol is expanding it’s horizons. Ethanol is a hot topic in Louisiana “where sugar cane, soybeans. sorghum and corn could be tapped for fuel production,” according to this article from the Advocate. According to the story, at least three commercial domestic fuels plants are planned for the state and another …
