State Attorneys General Support Nationwide E15

Cindy Zimmerman Leave a Comment

Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird last week led a letter signed by 16 state attorneys general urging Congress to pass a bipartisan bill that will allow nationwide access to year-round E15 gasoline. Iowa’s AG was joined by Alabama, Alaska, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, and West Virginia. The States urge …

E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Farmers Call for Immediate Action on E15

Cindy Zimmerman

The National Corn Growers Association gathered signatures from nearly 9,000 corn growers and advocates from 47 states on a letter that was sent this week to House and Senate leadership calling for legislative action to allow sales of E15 during the summer months. “A legislative solution for consumers to access year-round E15 comes at no cost yet would provide critical …

Commodity Classic, corn, E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News, NCGA

RFA Promotes Flex Fuel Conversion Kits at #Classic25

Cindy Zimmerman

Since most car makers stopped selling flex-fuel vehicles, it’s hard to find a new car or truck these days that is made to run on up to 85% ethanol fuel. But at Commodity Classic, the Renewable Fuels Association was demonstrating how you can do-it-yourself. Robert White, RFA Senior VP for Industry Relations & Market Development, had a brand new 2025 …

Audio, Commodity Classic, E85, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

California OAL Flags Concerns for Biomass-Based Diesel

Cindy Zimmerman

Last week, the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL) explained its decision to reject amendments to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) and identified a number of potentially substantive issues that could impact the success of biomass-based diesel in the state, according to Clean Fuels Alliance America. The issues include indirect land use change (ILUC) values, new fuel pathway applications, …

Biodiesel, Clean Fuels Alliance, Indirect Land Use, renewable diesel

ACE Excited About Annual Fly-in

Cindy Zimmerman

The annual American Coalition for Ethanol (ACE) Fly-in is coming up March 27-28 and CEO Brian Jennings says once again the number one topic is year-round, nationwide E15. “We really need a permanent, national solution from Congress because that’s what the courts have said, before the summer driving season starts,” said Jennings during an interview at Commodity Classic this week. …

ACE, Audio, E15, Ethanol, Ethanol News

Scholarship Winners Enjoy NEC Opportunity

Cindy Zimmerman

The Renewable Fuels Foundation made it possible for eight young people interested in furthering a career in the ethanol industry to attend the 2025 National Ethanol Conference in Nashville recently. Most of this year’s recipients are already working in the industry and are members of the Renewable Fuels Association’s Young Professionals Network (YPN). The Robert Sather Memorial Scholarship is open …

Audio, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Sec. Rollins Applauded for E15 Support

Cindy Zimmerman

New U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins received a standing ovation from thousands of farmers across the country Sunday as she made an appearance at the Commodity Classic in Denver on the Trade Show Main Stage. Rollins brought a message from President Trump. “He wants all of you to know that he hears you. He knows that times have been …

Audio, Commodity Classic, Ethanol, Ethanol News, USDA

EIA Confirms 2024 Record Ethanol Production and Exports

Cindy Zimmerman

The latest data from the Energy Information Administration show U.S. ethanol production hit a record 16.22 billion gallons (bg) in 2024, spurred by rising domestic consumption and record exports of 1.92 bg, according to the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). Domestic usage increased to 14.26 bg, the highest level since 2019, reflecting the continued expansion in the number of retail stations …

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Exports, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA

Farm to Fly Act Reintroduced in House

Cindy Zimmerman

The bipartisan Farm to Fly Act was reintroduced in the U.S. House last week to foster the development of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF) within existing U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) programs, allow for greater collaboration, and ensure USDA’s SAF definitions reflect eligibility for American agricultural crops. The bill was introduced by Reps. Max Miller (R-OH), Mike Flood (R-NE), Brad Finstad …

Audio, aviation biofuels, Ethanol, Ethanol News, National Ethanol Conference, Renewable Fuels Association, RFA, SAF

Ohio and South Dakota to Delay E15 Implementation

Cindy Zimmerman

Now that the Environmental Protection Agency has finally allowed eight states the ability to sell E15 year-round by April 28, two of those states have decided they’re not ready yet. On Friday, EPA announced it would act on “requests from South Dakota and Ohio seeking a one-year extension of the current implementation date to remove the 1-psi volatility waiver for …

E15, EPA, Ethanol, Ethanol News