Clean Fuels Conference 202

Generating D3 RINS from Corn Kernel Fiber

Producing cellulosic ethanol from corn kernel fiber is where many ethanol plants are heading. But getting EPA approval on that type of project is not always easy. Jim Ramm of EcoEngineers explained why he believes this is the future of the industry at the 2018 National Ethanol Conference.

“It makes sense as an industry to maximize the return on the bushel of corn coming into the plant. It just makes sense. So to be able to take the lowest value feedstock coming in, which is the kernel fiber, and turn it into high value products on the back end, which is cellulosic ethanol, or additional cellulosic ethanol, makes sense. It also makes sense in terms of getting extra corn oil, and it makes sense in terms of creating high protein feeds,” said Ramm. “The other reason that it makes sense is just bringing down the carbon intensity of the ethanol over all.”

Ramm said the expansion to include this process is already happening in some areas.

Listen to Jim Ramm’s entire session from the National Ethanol Conference here: Generating D3 RINS From Corn Kernel Fiber, Jim Ramm, EcoEngineers

2018 National Ethanol Conference Photo Album

AgWired Energy, Audio, Ethanol, National Ethanol Conference