Clean Fuels Conference 202

Trump’s Comments Please Ethanol Industry

Cindy Zimmerman

Trump surrounded by ag and ethanol industry people in Iowa
(photo from Iowa RFA)

The ethanol industry was thrilled with President Donald Trump’s visit to Iowa this week where he put agriculture and biofuels in the spotlight.

“We’re here today to talk about how we’re going to empower America’s farmers and protect our nation’s proud farming legacy, and that includes ethanol, which I’ve done,” said Trump.

The president met with industry leaders prior to his rally in Cedar Rapids to discuss issues vital to the future of ag and renewable fuels, including Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) President Eamonn Byrne and Executive Director Monte Shaw.

“We want to thank President Trump for coming to Iowa and taking time to discuss renewable fuels and agriculture. Moving the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) forward, breaking down barriers to E15, and opening up key export markets like China are vital to Iowa’s future,” said Shaw.

Renewable Fuels Association president and CEO Bob Dinneen also thanked President Trump for continuing to support biofuels generally, and ethanol specifically. “The president clearly understands the benefits of a healthy and robust ethanol industry, and recognizes the importance of both first-generation corn ethanol and emerging advanced biofuel technologies,” said Dinneen.

Ethanol, Ethanol News, Iowa RFA, RFA