U.S. ethanol exports are still on a record pace for 2017 despite a 32% drop in April exports compared to March at 87.2 million gallons, the lowest volume in eight months, according to the latest government data analyzed by the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA). Year-to-date ethanol exports totaled a record 474.8 mg in the first four months of 2017.
Brazil was again the top customer for U.S. exports, receiving 44.5 mg (slightly more than half of the total volume) in April. Canada was the other major destination for U.S. product in April, taking in 19.0 mg. Peru (3.9 mg), United Arab Emirates (3.3 mg), and South Korea (2.5 mg) rounded out the top five markets. Noticeably absent from the April roster were India and the Philippines. Together, the two counties imported more than 50 mg of U.S. ethanol in March, and India had been the third-leading market for U.S. export in the first quarter.
No imports of fuel ethanol were recorded in April, leaving year-to-date import total at well below 1 mg.