Clean Fuels Conference 202

USDA Releases $1.5M in BCAP for #Biomass Harvesting

Joanna Schroeder

Farmers and others who harvest biomass crops for renewable energy will have access to $1.5 million in FY2017 under the Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP). The total funds available under the program for 2017 is $3 million with the other $1.5 allocated to growers who establish or maintain biomass crops to be used specifically for energy or biobased products.

bcap_logo_368“USDA investments in expanding biofuel feedstocks lay the foundation for more bioproducts made in rural America, supporting rural economic development, reducing carbon pollution and helping decrease our dependence on foreign energy,” said USDA’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Val Dolcini.

Facilities seeking to be qualified by USDA to accept BCAP-funded biomass can begin enrollment Nov. 14 through Dec. 5, 2016. Also, between Jan. 9, 2017, through March 15, 2017, USDA will accept applications from foresters and farmers seeking incentives to remove biomass residues from fields or national forests for delivery to energy generation facilities. The retrieval payments are provided at match of $1 for $1, up to $20 per dry ton. Eligible crops include corn residue, orchard waste or diseased or insect-infested wood materials.

To enroll for BCAP funds click here. To contact your local FSA county office, click here.

advanced biofuels, biomass