Clean Fuels Conference 202

New Officers Elected for Iowa RFA

Joanna Schroeder

Iowa RFA logo-newThe 2016 Board of Directors, Officer and Executive Committee have been elected for the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA). The votes took place during their annual meeting on December 10, 2015. Each producer member has a seat on the Board and votes on officers. New officers will serve a one-year term during the 2016 calendar year. Iowa is the leading producer of biofuels including ethanol, biodiesel and cellulosic ethanol.

2016 IRFA Board of Directors Officers:

  • President: Tom Brooks, Western Dubuque Biodiesel
  • Vice President: Eamonn Byrne, Plymouth Energy
  • Treasurer: Rick Schwarck, Absolute Energy
  • Secretary: Steve Bleyl, Green Plains, Inc.
  • Executive Director: Monte Shaw (non-voting)

The IRFA Executive Committee is comprised of the IRFA Officers and other members as elected by the Board. Elected to join the IRFA Officers on the Executive Committee for 2016 are:

  • Past President: Brian Cahill, Southwest Iowa Renewable Energy
  • At-Large: Derek Winkel, Renewable Energy Group
  • At-Large: Craig Willis, Archer Daniels Midland
  • At-Large: Bill Howell, POET – Coon Rapids

“For renewable fuels in Iowa, 2015 was both a great and challenging year,” said IRFA President-elect Tom Brooks. “I’m looking forward to leading IRFA, and continuing to build upon our progress as a leader in renewable fuels production and use.”

Biodiesel, biofuels, Ethanol, Iowa RFA