Clean Fuels Conference 202

ADM on Food vs. Fuel

Cindy Zimmerman

ADM Archer Daniels Midland, better known as simply ADM, is the single largest ethanol producer in the nation and a significant biodiesel producer as well – in addition to producing feed and food products from both corn and soybeans. According to the company’s international website, they are one of the world’s largest agricultural processors of soybeans, corn, wheat and cocoa. We work with farmers across the world to turn these crops into soymeal and oil, corn sweeteners, flour, cocoa and chocolate, ethanol and biodiesel, as well as a wide portfolio of other value-added food ingredients, animal nutrition and industrial products. ADM Webb

Chuck talked to ADM’s Greg Webb this week when he was at the Ag Media Summit in Portland, Oregon and specifically asked him about the “Food vs. Fuel” issue.

Webb says they expect to see more industrial usage of agricultural crops in the future and ADM’s answer to food vs. fuel is: “We are in the business to produce feed and fuel and food for the market place and we believe that modern agriculture will have the capacity to address that challenge and will produce to meet that opportunity.”

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Greg here Listen to MP3 Greg Webb Interview (5 min MP3)

Audio, Biodiesel, Ethanol