An Indiana city is debating the merits of a contract with a company turning sludge into biodiesel. This story from TV station WTHI in Terre Haute says the city council there discussed the contract the city good have with Powerdyne.
Powerdyne’s CEO Geoff Hirson faced the music Thursday night. He answered plenty of questions from the City Council, from a pair of engineers who question his project, and News 10. What we learned is he’s confident in is project, he wants to locate in Terre Haute, but time is of the essence.
It was standing room only at Thursday’s City Council meeting. Hirson made a brief presentation outlining the process his company will use to turn sludge and other carbon sources into biofuels.
“Everything is ready to go,” said Hirson. “It’s in the city’s hands now to decide whether they want us or don’t want us.”
Hirson said he wants to have the plant in Terre Haute, but the process has been dragging on for too long. And with the plant being a $300 million investment that Powerdyne has had to finance, every day its delayed is costing the company money.
Once finished, the plant is expected to produce 12 million gallons of biodiesel each year.