Clean Fuels Conference 202

BioEnergy Bytes

Joanna Schroeder

  • BioEnergyBytesDFLauritzen Bulkers has signed its longest contract ever with U.S.-based Green Circle Bio Energy involving transportation of 600,000 tonnes of wood pellets from the U.S. to the UK and the European continent over the next eight years. Green Circle Bio Energy owns one of the world’s largest wood pellet plants.
  • Amyris, Inc. has announced the appointment of Raffi Asadorian as the Company’s Chief Financial Officer, effective January 6, 2015. The Company’s interim Chief Financial Officer, Paulo Diniz, will transition to a new role as Chairman of Amyris Brasil.
  • The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) has announced $2 million funding support to develop a solution for collecting renewable biomass from fast growing trees. ARENA CEO Ivor Frischknecht said Biosystems Engineering would be further developing, building and testing an innovative woody biomass harvester.
  • Sino Group, Arup and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University have unveiled a research project on the first in-building hydro power that makes use of unused water head in pipelines. Installed at Olympian City 2, the prototype is the second phase of hydro power research and the generator (output: 100Wh) represents a six-fold leap from the first phase. Under the model, water current passing through the pipe drives a novel vertical-axis turbine developed by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Water Supplies Department, which generates hydroelectricity from water pipelines. Electricity generated is stored in a battery, and can be used to power a typical lift lobby’s lighting system.
Bioenergy Bytes