Clean Fuels Conference 202

BioEnergy Bytes

Joanna Schroeder

  • BioEnergyBytesDFMaxwell Technologies, Inc. has announced that Win Inertia, an engineering firm specializing in power electronics, energy storage and control and communication systems, is using its ultracapacitors for a stationary wayside braking energy recuperation system at an electric rail system in Cerro Negro, Spain. Win Inertia designed and installed the system under a contract with the Spanish government’s Administrator of Railway Infrastructures (ADIF). In this installation, the system also enables ADIF to store excess energy in a battery bank that supplies an electric vehicle charging station located at the rail station. The facility also seamlessly integrated a photovoltaic generator to supply additional energy if required.
  • Ellomay Capital Ltd., an emerging operator in the renewable energy and energy infrastructure sector, has announced the approval by the Italian parliament and the conversion into law of the Italian decree providing for a decrease in the Feed-in-Tariff guaranteed to existing photovoltaic plants with nominal capacity of more than 200 kW (“Law 116/2014”).
  • Genera Energy has released a new infographic featuring a visual overview of biomass feedstock and guidelines for choosing the best solution for every biomass project. The four-page infographic highlights key supply chain elements and explores which biomass crops are best suited for an application.
  • Washington, D.C. has allocated $200,000 to be used to create a kinetically-powered “Connecticut Avenue Overlook Parklet“. The tech to generate electricity from the footsteps of passersby will come from 100 Pavegen kinetic pavers that are expected to generate an annual 456.25 kilowatts of energy. That energy will be stored and used to power lighting for the 850-square-foot mini-park, which is being designed by ZGF Architects LLP.
Bioenergy Bytes