Clean Fuels Conference 202

Are Higher Blends of Ethanol For You?

Jamie Johansen

New Holland ZimmPollOur latest ZimmPoll asked the question, “How does farm economy compare to general U.S.?”

Results varied, but the majority say they feel the U.S. farm economy is better then the general economy. As we move further into 2014 it will be interesting to see how small herd numbers and the drought in California affect people’s outlook.

Our poll results:

  • WAY better – 20%
  • Somewhat better – 52%
  • The same – 7%
  • Worse – 7%
  • Much worse – 0%
  • No idea – 14%

Our new ZimmPoll is now live and asks the question, “If available, would you put E15 or E85 in your vehicle?”

Chuck and Cindy just got home from the 2014 National Ethanol Conference in Orlando, FL. The event touched on the state of the ethanol industry, the impact of the RFS on the industry, breaking down the blend wall, the global ethanol industry, perspective from the oil industry and auto manufacturers, and much more. More and more vehicles are becoming equipped with E15 and E85 capabilities, but many still haven’t committed to using this alternative fuel or simply don’t have access to it. Would you use E15 or E85 in your car or truck?
