Clean Fuels Conference 202

RFA Initiates Talks with Brazilian Ethanol Industry

Cindy Zimmerman

ed-brazilRepresentatives of the Renewable Fuels Association (RFA) recently took part in UNICA’s Worldwide Ethanol Summit in Brazil with a two-fold mission. First, RFA represented American ethanol interests at the global event, but it also offered them an opportunity to sit down with their Brazilian ethanol counterparts and discuss how they can work together in a growing international marketplace.

“It was kind of the first step in trying to forge an era of collaboration on issues important to our industry,” said RFA General Counsel Ed Hubbard, noting that it would be in the best interest of the two largest ethanol producing nations to provide supply assurances to other countries considering the increased use of biofuels. “Countries like China, India, and the Philippines and Nigeria that are looking at establishing 5-10% blend mandates.”

ethanol-report-adHubbard says they are being supported in the effort by several agencies of the federal government. “We went down there with the help and assistance of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Foreign Ag Service, as well as our friends at the Department of Commerce,” he said. “(The Brazilians) saw that there’s a commitment not only from industry but also from the U.S. government to try to help promote…our commodity around the globe.”

The next step will be more formal talks with Brazil and other countries to work toward a cooperative effort.

Find out more in this Ethanol Report with Hubbard: Ethanol Report on Talks with Brazil

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Audio, Brazil, Ethanol, Ethanol News, Ethanol Report, International, RFA